vincjo / datatables

A toolkit for creating datatable components with Svelte
MIT License
363 stars 15 forks source link

Reduce `ThFilter` horizontal padding. #110

Open gibbz00 opened 1 week ago

gibbz00 commented 1 week ago


Refraining from sending this in as a first PR as I suspect this isn't as straight forward as it sounds. SSD does nonetheless advertise itself as headless, so I would (personally) like it to add as little styling as possible. Same goes for the other Th*.

Amazing project btw :)



With padding: 0 20px removed:


vincjo commented 1 week ago

Hi, Thanks for the question.

I'd recommand to craft your own components for cutomization requirements.

The components bring too much style opinion to provide a very large reusability. There are more like a starting point to make things work quickly (hello world).

At this point, any style modification would imply a breaking change for the lib.

vincjo commented 1 week ago

Maybe more ankowledged dev than me can help for component style in next 2.0. I already worked on to reduce code complexity and make it usable for both client and server-side data processing.

I welcome proposals and pr for 2.0