vindar / ILI9341_T4

Optimized ILI9341 screen driver library for Teensy 4/4.1, with vsync and diff. updates.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
70 stars 12 forks source link

Startup Errors #12

Open PowerBroker2 opened 1 year ago

PowerBroker2 commented 1 year ago

I'm using a T4.1 with a 2.8in display. When I use the following code:

* ILI9341_T4 library example: displaying moving sprites...

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ILI9341_T4.h>

#define PIN_SCK     13      // mandatory
#define PIN_MISO    12      // mandatory
#define PIN_MOSI    11      // mandatory
#define PIN_DC      9      // mandatory, can be any pin but using pin 10 (or 36 or 37 on T4.1) provides greater performance

#define PIN_CS      10       // optional (but recommended), can be any pin.  
#define PIN_RESET   6       // optional (but recommended), can be any pin. 
#define PIN_BACKLIGHT 255   // optional, set this only if the screen LED pin is connected directly to the Teensy.
#define PIN_TOUCH_IRQ 255   // optional. set this only if the touchscreen is connected on the same SPI bus
#define PIN_TOUCH_CS  255   // optional. set this only if the touchscreen is connected on the same spi bus

//#define PIN_SCK     27      // mandatory 
//#define PIN_MISO    1       // mandatory
//#define PIN_MOSI    26      // mandatory
//#define PIN_DC      0       // mandatory, can be any pin but using pin 0 (or 38 on T4.1) provides greater performance

//#define PIN_CS      30      // optional (but recommended), can be any pin.  
//#define PIN_RESET   29      // optional (but recommended), can be any pin.  
//#define PIN_BACKLIGHT 255   // optional, set this only if the screen LED pin is connected directly to the Teensy. 
//#define PIN_TOUCH_IRQ 255   // optional. set this only if the touchscreen is connected on the same SPI bus
//#define PIN_TOUCH_CS  255   // optional. set this only if the touchscreen is connected on the same spi bus

// 30MHz SPI. Can do much better with short wires
#define SPI_SPEED       ILI9341_T4_DEFAULT_SPICLOCK //30000000

// the screen driver object

// 2 diff buffers with about 6K memory each
ILI9341_T4::DiffBuffStatic<6000> diff1;
ILI9341_T4::DiffBuffStatic<6000> diff2;

// screen size in portrait mode
#define LX  240
#define LY  320

// our framebuffers
uint16_t internal_fb[LX * LY];     // used by the library for buffering
uint16_t fb[LX * LY];              // the main framebuffer we draw onto.

* code for drawing colored balls.

/** fill a framebuffer with a given color*/
void clear(uint16_t* fb, uint16_t color = 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < LX * LY; i++) fb[i] = color;

/** draw a disk centered at (x,y) with radius r and color col on the framebuffer fb */
void drawDisk(uint16_t* fb, double x, double y, double r, uint16_t col)
    int xmin = (int)(x - r);
    int xmax = (int)(x + r);
    int ymin = (int)(y - r);
    int ymax = (int)(y + r);
    if (xmin < 0) xmin = 0;
    if (xmax >= LX) xmax = LX - 1;
    if (ymin < 0) ymin = 0;
    if (ymax >= LY) ymax = LY - 1;
    const double r2 = r * r;
    for (int j = ymin; j <= ymax; j++)
        double dy2 = (y - j) * (y - j);
        for (int i = xmin; i <= xmax; i++)
            const double dx2 = (x - i) * (x - i);
            if (dx2 + dy2 <= r2) fb[i + (j * LX)] = col;

/** return a uniform in [0,1) */
double unif()
    return random(2147483647) / 2147483647.0;

/** a bouncing ball */
struct Ball
    double x, y, dirx, diry, r; // position, direction, radius. 
    uint16_t color;

        r = unif() * 25; // random radius
        x = r; // start at the corner
        y = r; //
        dirx = unif() * 5; // direction and speed are random...
        diry = unif() * 5; // ...but not isotropic !
        color = random(65536); // random color

    void move()
        // move
        x += dirx;
        y += diry;
        // and bounce against border
        if (x - r < 0) { x = r;  dirx = -dirx; }
        if (y - r < 0) { y = r;  diry = -diry; }
        if (x > LX - r) { x = LX - r;  dirx = -dirx; }
        if (y > LY - r) { y = LY - r;  diry = -diry; }

    void draw(uint16_t* fb)
        drawDisk(fb, x, y, r, color);

// our 99 luftballons
Ball balls[99];

* Main display code.
* With 30MHz SPI, the theoretical maximum framerate when doing full
* framebuffer redraw is 24 FPS.
* Here, we get around 100 FPS (without vsync) and a stable 60 FPS with
* vsync (screen tearing free).

void setup()

    tft.output(&Serial);                // output debug infos to serial port.  
    while (!tft.begin(SPI_SPEED))
      ;      // init the display
    tft.setRotation(0);                 // portrait mode 240 x320
    tft.setFramebuffer(internal_fb);    // set the internal framebuffer (enables double buffering)
    tft.setDiffBuffers(&diff1, &diff2); // set the 2 diff buffers => activate differential updates. 
    tft.setDiffGap(4);                  // use a small gap for the diff buffers

    // Below, vsync_spacing = 2 means we want 120/2=60Hz fixed framerate with vsync enabled.
    // Here, at 30mhz spi, we could even choose vsync_spacing = 1 and refresh rate = 90hz
    // to get a solid 90fps and it would still works. We can also try setting vsync_spacing = 0 
    // to find out the maximum framerate without vsync (which will be over 100fps). 

    tft.setRefreshRate(120);            // around 120hz for the display refresh rate. 
    tft.setVSyncSpacing(2);             // set framerate = refreshrate/2 (and enable vsync at the same time). 

    if (PIN_BACKLIGHT != 255)
        { // make sure backlight is on
        pinMode(PIN_BACKLIGHT, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(PIN_BACKLIGHT, HIGH);

int nbf = 0; // count the number of frames drawn. 

void loop()
    clear(fb, 0); // erase the framebuffer, black background. 

    for (auto& b : balls)
        { // move and then draw all the balls onto the framebuffer

    tft.overlayFPS(fb, 1); // draw fps counter on bottom right
    tft.overlayText(fb, "99luftballons demo", 3, 0, 12, ILI9341_T4_COLOR_WHITE, 1.0f, ILI9341_T4_COLOR_RED, 0.4f, 1); // draw text    
    tft.update(fb); // push the framebuffer to be displayed

    if (++nbf % 2000 == 500)
        { // prints stats every 2000 frames. 

/** end of file */

I get the following printouts:

----------------- ILI9341_T4 begin() ------------------

- MOSI on pin 11 [SPI0]
- MISO on pin 12 [SPI0]
- SCK on pin 13 [SPI0]
- CS on pin 10
- DC on pin 9  >>>> *** No hardware acceleration : put DC on a hardware chip select pin for speedup *** 
- RST on pin 6

[Touchscreen NOT connected]

- SPI write speed : 30.00Mhz
- SPI read speed : 4.00Mhz

- IRQ priority : 128

Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x0

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***

Retrying connexion with slower SPI read speed : 2.00Mhz
Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x80

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***

Retrying connexion with slower SPI read speed : 1.00Mhz
Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x0

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***

Retrying connexion with slower SPI read speed : 0.50Mhz
Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x80

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***

Retrying connexion with slower SPI read speed : 0.25Mhz
Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x80

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***


Retrying connexion with slower SPI read speed : 0.06Mhz
Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x0

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***


Retrying connexion with slower SPI read speed : 0.06Mhz
Reading status registers...
  - Display Power Mode : 0x0
  - Pixel Format       : 0x5
  - Image Format       : 0x0
  - Self Diagnostic    : 0x80

*** ERROR: incorrect power mode ! ***

*** ERROR: incorrect self-diagnotic value ! ***


What do these errors mean and how can I fix them? Thank you!

vindar commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the late answer (probably too late to be useful but anyway...).

These errors means that the driver cannot connect/initialize the screen. The most likely cause is a wiring problem (or a possibly defective display)... Note that the driver requires both MOSI and MISO lines to be set contrarily to other ILI9341 libraries which only use MOSI to send data to the display but read nothing back...