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blog/why-turtl-switched-from-lisp-to-js/ #7

Open utterances-bot opened 5 years ago

utterances-bot commented 5 years ago

Why Turtl Switched From CL to Js - Lisp journey

Turtl is a very well done, secure collaborative notebook web app. https://turtlapp Its api backend is built in Common Lisp: It is based on many async libraries the developer wrote for Turtl, like the Wookie async HTTP server.“is” ? No, was :/ Even though this repository is still maintained (latest commit: 2nd of december 2018), it is deprecated and the new server is written in NodeJS.

Moanrisy commented 5 years ago

although CL community is small, but it's feel sad that there is no people that comment on this great journey.

vindarel commented 5 years ago

Thank you^^

I had comments on reddit though: (I could have linked to this in the article)

vindarel commented 2 years ago

Do not miss: why CL is Kina Knowledge's secret weapon:

I really like the Common Lisp world. I would like it to be more popular, but at the same time, it is a differentiator for us.

vindarel commented 2 years ago


vindarel commented 2 years ago

I don’t have to deal with quicklisp’s “all or nothing” packaging that doesn’t support version pinning.

BTW, on this: it's easy to clone a given version on quicklisp's local-projects, but we also have Qlot and the emerging CLPM. See also the new

vindarel commented 11 months ago

from :

I did the same about 25 years ago (lisp to Java, c# and node) but yeah, I shouldn’t have. In hindsight all this misery all makes no sense to live through. Lisp might be a little bit slower if you have to write a lot of custom libs. Thing is, the quality of the average npm is garbage and we end up rewriting it anyway, and then in that typescript misery. Not that I dislike typescript Itself, but the tooling and quality of the compile target javascript, is a nightmare of a different level. We have been moving our tooling to CL and only thing I can say; it’s simply faster development, faster execution mostly (with sbcl) and faster deployment. For our team which is well funded and small, and I intend to keep it that way.

Of course it depends very much on what you are doing, but most people in modern dev focus so much on ‘when they have 1 billion users’ while, nope you will never. So why not write solid and enjoyable software instead of copying best practices from Facebook and google while you will never even reach 1/100000th and less of that in your entire life?

Like I said before ; the non technical reason stands; working at a huge corp, needing to scale out fast programmer hour wise, Lisp is the wrong choice.