vindolin / Python-Ebyte-E32

Python 3 command line tool/library for controlling Ebyte LoRa modules like the E32 with GPIOs (Raspberry Pi).
MIT License
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Line 165 - - raise UserWarning(f'not a valid property: {err}') #1

Closed Dukat-Gul closed 3 years ago

Dukat-Gul commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is me, I cloned your repository and before I make any adjustments (my pins are different [M0=22, M1=27 for the E22 based waveshare SX126x based LoRa hats. SX1268_433M_LoRa_HAT E22-400T22S and/or SX1262_915M_LoRa_HAT E22-900T22S

I tried to run the command with anything (see paste below --help) and I get an error.

$ python --help File "", line 165 raise UserWarning(f'not a valid property: {err}') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

wondered if it was a permissions thing.... seems no

$ sudo python --help File "", line 165 raise UserWarning(f'not a valid property: {err}') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

vindolin commented 3 years ago

What Python version are you using? Format strings f'not a valid property: {err}' were introduced in Python 3.

Dukat-Gul commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I didnt specify python3 (I used python, which is v2.7 on my system).