vineetjohn / linguistic-style-transfer

Neural network parametrized objective to disentangle and transfer style and content in text
Apache License 2.0
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report a big PPL score on yelp #71

Open hejunqing opened 4 years ago

hejunqing commented 4 years ago

Hello. Thanks for sharing your work. I trained a model following the steps in README and ran the evaluation using the It turns out most of the metrics are identicle to the results reported in your paper except PPL. The results for my trained model are : ll_scores: [(-9.701861720617387, 106.5074394250216), (-10.269295644873736, 120.9065905583248)] The mean PPL is 113.7 However, the results should be around 32. I think it may attribute to a different vocabulary or training KenLM with different corpus. I directly used the yelp_corpus_adapter for data preparation and yelp/reviews-train.txt to train KenLM. Did I miss something ?

vrublack commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. I tried training the language model on the dev and test split as well but got a similar PPL. Notably the script should be changed in line 62 to ll_score, ppl_score = language_fluency.score_generated_sentences(generated_text_file_path, options.language_model_path) and in line 68 to ll_scores.append(ppl_score) because it formerly wanted to output a tuple of negative log likelihood and perplexity (might have something to do with Kenlm versions).