vineetsk1 / Switch-Strategies

Implementations of the strategies for Eternabot switches.
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[Strategy Market] [Switch] Dot plot #28

Open vineetsk1 opened 9 years ago

vineetsk1 commented 9 years ago

Original Author: Eli Fisker Original Link:

There was a a past strategy with cleanness of dot plot for static designs. The first switch lab we made, many designs had ugly and messy dot plots. But for our MS2 switches, the trend is going towards surprisingly clean dot plots - of cause more messier than the average good static design but still. So this strategy may still be useful.

And I want to add this detail:

Dot plot is mostly much more identical for each triangle in State 1 than State 2. And the state 1 structure often stays shown for state 2. As below:

Only for full moving switches, the trend switch a bit more towards ugly dots and more towards a state 2 match - where the lines of state 2 turns more visible in the state 1 plot.

For partial switches Give 3 + if there is somewhat well match between State 1 top and bottom triangle Decrese score the more present state 2 is present in state 1 prediction.

For full moving switches Give + 1 if some of the state 2 prediction turns up in the state 1 estimate. (Top triangle)

(This goes for when looked at in both energy models.)

vineetsk1 commented 9 years ago

Implemented with 40 lines of code.