vineetsk1 / Switch-Strategies

Implementations of the strategies for Eternabot switches.
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[Strategy Market] [Switch] Penalize long stems in switching area #4

Open vineetsk1 opened 9 years ago

vineetsk1 commented 9 years ago

Original Author: Eli Fisker Original Link:


As soon as stems in the switching area becomes long, switching becomes harder. I think, as a rough estimate that stems the size of 7 bp and above are generally counterproductive for switching. MicroRNA


Penalize with -1 for each base pair a stem is longer than 6 base pairs. Give a bonus of a 2+ if there is a GU per each 6 bases in stems longer than 6 base pairs.


MicroRNA labs are kind of exceptions, since they need to get some extreme switching going, from not pairing with the microRNA to pairing up with often as much of its 22 bases as possible. So they tend to have really long MS2 gates, like 6-9 base pairs, depending on them being turnoff or turn on labs. They also tend to have 1 GU. So they should be fine despite the penalty. :)

vineetsk1 commented 9 years ago

Implemented with 22 lines of code.