vinfamy / LifePlay

Free, Open-Source and Moddable Lifesim RPG (Link NSFW). I had to change my dev PC and couldn't set up Git correctly on the new PC so the full source code for the game will be available here:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
71 stars 36 forks source link

Bugs #18

Open vinfamy opened 6 years ago

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

if you use the singles app, the characters just pile on each other, or if you peep in on someone, one of the characters sits in the character screens.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Something strange is going on with the inventory. Items keep disappearing and some items are replicating. My sleeveless shirt and fedora are gone and I now have five copies of casual clothes: two will light up if I click on either one of them, and the other three all light up if I click on any of the three. I have no idea what triggers it. There is no specific event or action. Sometimes, when I go to change clothes, an item turns into Casual Clothes of some kind. It just happened again. My Fisherman Sweater is now gone and I have seven Casual Clothes. It seems the missing item is being transformed since the total count of items remains the same. They don't always turn into Casual Clothes though. One item turned into an additional Monkstrap Shoes.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

When you click on a search item, the camera is placed at that location and a building menu appears. However, the menu is for the last building clicked and not the building you're looking at. The menu will not respond to scrolling. You have to first click anywhere on the menu before the menu will select an item or respond to scrolling.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

I also have a minor bug where every time I launch the game, it tries to open my SteamVR and tries to connect my Vive. Is this game VR compatible or is it an actual bug

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

1.1 Start

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Some of the map filters appear to be showing the wrong type of buildings.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

one triggered scene when a male friend invites me out but says to leave my boyfriend at home the next part where my dominant partner accuses me of going of with a load of horny guys the game locks up

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

I encountered a bug where flirting with your boss and asking for their number won't add them to your contacts list. This specifically happens when its your very first interview after loading a save or starting a new game.

A workaround is to fail the first interview (fail as in your application was successful, but you didn't get the job), and then your next interview flirting and asking number will add your boss to contacts list. Simply failing the application process doesn't work. Must specifically fail the first interview

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Bug: If you date your boss, you will trigger a scene where your boss gets jealous of themselves. It basically clones them into a second NPC for the scene. Really weird.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

If you invite lovers over and pass the time, the game freezes.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

When you are set up on a blind date, you never get their number.

DRSSX4756 commented 6 years ago

After you get dumped by your boyfriend, a friend of his is still shown as "significant other's friend" in the contact list.

DRSSX4756 commented 6 years ago

Your companion will offer to walk you home when you already are.

DRSSX4756 commented 6 years ago

If your character's in building A and you edit or click on building B (eg to see what's available there), scenes from building B will trigger afterwards while you're still in A.

DRSSX4756 commented 6 years ago

when you cheat-look at their stats, all chars in the game seem to have randomized porn fame and incest tension values (the latter not for relatives)

DRSSX4756 commented 6 years ago

Trans girls' penises float in front of them during certain animations, mostly when facing a partner (embrace, cowgirl, ...)

DRSSX4756 commented 6 years ago

I have a character with 4 live-in relatives, and she can't do much of anything around her home, including sleeping, masturbating, housework etc. All those options are greyed out. So far it's the only one out of 5 characters to have that problem, and I assume it's somehow due to the number of people she lives with, as that's the only difference with the others.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

If you go to a party and get lucky more than once, when you open the options menu, the "remove clothing" options for the NPC are not there - it appears the game thinks you are continuing the scene with the last NPC.

Once you choose some option for YOUR character - like pull your penis out - then the proper options to remove the clothing for the current NPC appears.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

So.. I created this scenario of sister and brother thing.. And then a event popped up of.... your brother doing it with a old wrinkly guy and you can opt in for a 3some... but the preference of the brother is girls... slight bug?

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Is old saves compatible with new update? Still got male on male npc going on, even though none of them is gay and respect orientation is on in settings. Also on girl/girl if you use spacebar to change scenes you sometimes get girl/male scenes, which kinda funny when asked to PUT IT IN! :p

Sometimes the screen get stuck off the map on a background picture. Its like a scene did trigger, but did come up blank. To get unstuck I had to use the search option to just pick some random building, it would give you some options and after that the select home (or any other fav destination, in the mini window), would get you where you want, and do things, until a new event trigger that clear it up.

volted94 commented 6 years ago

firstly,i don't know if i'm the only one who have this bug or not...but i found a slight bug/mistake in 1 of the scenes from the incest module called "family_peeps_shower"cause whenever i have this scene,the "player" gonna be bugged out and the one who's gonna have sex in the shower is only the peeping "actor"alone with nobody(weird having sex with air/wind i know)...not with the player together....then i take a look at the lpscene file of it and found a little mistake(not much trust me)... If 0 Sex(Peeping, Actor) Peeping:incest += Random(0, 5) Endif
Endif Endif

timeout(48, family_peeps_shower)

the mistake is at "Sex(Peeping, Actor)"...but no worries,i think i also have a fix for it just by renaming the "Actor" to "Player" it's gonna be like this "Sex(Peeping, Player)"...And's fixed now...oh and i hope you also implement this fix in the next update...and thank u for this game...and the 2 updates that always comes out in just a month time...keep up the great work on this LifePlay game/project Vin... :+1:

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

bug: I had my sister introduce me to her brother

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

There's a bug when you're taking a peep and refuse to join in, the text stays there. It was the shower scene

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

I found several empty files in Scenes directories, is it intentionally (possibly for future use)? These are the following files: trophydating.lpscene form_factions.lpscene models_and_bottles.lpscene (this one sounds interesting :))

Maybe there is a bug with the purchase of a movie (or just do not know where to buy). In files there is stock_movie stat, watch_a_movie_in action but no buy_movie action. And some scenes have a starting parameter "watch_a_movie_in".

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Is there a key to press to go back into map mode? I don't usually have to think about it cause when it goes into scene mode for an event it automatically goes back after it's done. But I alt-tabbed out to do something and when I got back in I was in scene mode at my home.

EDIT: got an event that when it finished then put me back into map mode... so I'm set... but if there is a button to go back into map mode, it would be useful to know for future reference if this happens again.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

think I found a small bug that when in an open relationship with your boyfriend/husband they will constantly stop you for a chat and you get the will you be my girlfriend/wife chat all over again (if you say yes again to being his wife you get the option to have sex but the wedding stuff doesn't trigger again) not a bad bug just odd :D

PS should add I have the all modules activated as guess its related to the new polygamy one as I guess others could ask me those things even when married

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

The player was the mom, and was hanging out with the son, doing stuff around the city when he introduced her for the siblings, lol.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Couple things... Damn , how many times you need to help someone fix their computer :p I know some people that horrible with computers, but c'mon. Think that event should be a one off per NPC (or at least very rare trigger again on same NPC), its a nice "ice breaker" event, to get to know and establish a connection with another NPC though.

Also one thing that sometimes a bit annoying; you hanging out with someone, and then you get a event for that someone at same time. And then you get like a double of the NPC on the screen wearing 2 different outfits. If you already hanging out with a NPC and then get a "ran into same NPC" event trigger it kinda weird..

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

(search without search term) Interesting. I've actually tried that but it seemed so glitchy (because most of the time it didn't display anything, and only worked once on the standard Central London map) I didn't think this was intended behavior :biggrin:

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

beards cannot be removed

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Well it seems like the face they are created with as the base face stays there no matter what. So a character that starts out with a beard will always have that beard as the default face, and if I set them to have a beard, they end up with another beard on top of it. There's also no option to set it to "none" that I could find.

Let me try to explain step by step to make it clearer

  1. A character is spawned that has a beard.

  2. Hitting randomize hair changes the hair and beard, but the beard present in #1 still remains no matter what.

  3. Editing the character via the cheat menu has the same problem with the beard in #1 still remaining, no matter what I click. Clicking on the beard type that woudl normally remove it does nothing.

  4. If I add a different beard it just overlaps the one in #1.

So the hair works as intended, but the beard seems to set itself as the base face, if that makes any sense.

It works the same way on all new characters.

It's on the 64 bit version with the hotfix, but I may not have installed it correctly, if it's supposed to be installed in a different way than copy paste over.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

How will I divorce with my husband? He broke up with me but I couldn’t start new relationship and sometimes he acts like my husband I don’t understand...

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

It freezes randomly sometimes. Like right now when my character started talking about signing up on a website to meet people cause her career didn't give her enough time to meet people. It froze right at the end of the sentence.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Yea it still freezes after typing that in console. She's a female and interested in all three types. Even tried editing the NPC's orientation ,checking all types to see if it works, sadly still freezes when that event starts.

And i tried setting the attraction to 100. it was -100 before editing. After i set it up they still refuse me.

Well i picked a futanari. Then i edited the character i wanted to date and edited her preferences to females and futanari. It worked , but now it freezes when i get a wedding preparation started .... I really love the game but dam XD.

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

well I guess I shouldn't have taken my sister to the singers got her do you have the twins option and what not??? .....took the girl to the hospital had a daughter..... it went back to the map then it said take her to the hospital again....and then we had a son or maybe a glitch??

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Unfortunatly I deleted the save and restarted, but if it happens again I will upload. system ram not graphics, also one thing I thought was odd, graphics memory used was 0mb?? Tried this version about 5 times, and each time it crashed every 5 to 10 mins, each time I wiped all save data and restarted fresh. However this last time it hasnt crash once in about 4 hours playtime. Also not sure if this is know but I cant delete beards. I hit random face it gave me a beard tried turning it off but it just kept putting new beards on top of the old beards! AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor, RAM 8.00 GB, GeForce GTX 970, Win 10 Also Last nights game went odd, it forced a set of unremovable underwear on me, that doesnt even come off during sex, there again that may be better than going work in a suit with a hard on sticking straight out, maybe add some "do your flys up" code!

vinfamy commented 6 years ago why did my son just pop in and tell me he is pregnant....... first we never fucked....never but how is that even possible

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

I don't know why, this new version hide to me the enable/disable painel in mods. I don't know when they are enabled or not. Another thing, when i click to try rape the sister of the guy i hate, the scene don't start, nohing happens and i still in the map screen. Any help?

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

Battle Creek missing from map list

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

If you edit frat members, they lose that title. Probably a bug?

vinfamy commented 6 years ago

one weird thing I've noticed is that it's much easier to have sex with low pervert women then it's with high pervert women

also having a sugar babe doesn't check for the age of the MC, I once ended up with a sugar babe that was older then I was

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

As far as I've seen there are only a few scenarios that will randomly kick in depending on your "porn fame" rating. You can raise that by "engage with your fans", in the long run it is more effective right now than actually shooting porn (raises the stat by 0.2 every time, while you get 0.6 max every 48 hours by actually doing porn).

That being said, none of those scenes triggered for me while exploring the game since that update.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

I lost my save. And I was doing really good too. I spent so many hours on my game.

I got a bug where the menu wouldn't go away (Resume/new game etc that menu). I kept hitting resume to get the menu to go away, and game played in the background but the menu still wouldn't go away. None of the buttons worked (except new game). Couldn't even press the button to exit. So I hit new game to try to get the menu to disappear. That worked. But that auto overwrote my save, even though I didn't actually save the game I just hit new game and it auto saved and overwrote my character.

And yeah, the clothes I buy don't go into my inventory. I kept buying new clothes, and they wouldn't show up.

Well, I figured out the clothes thing. I reinstalled the game and it worked after that.

But, still randomly get stuck menu selection that doesn't disappear. I just ctrl alt delete when that happens instead of randomly pressing each button like a bull in a china shop. But overwriting the save shouldn't be a thing unless the person purposely wants to overwrite it.

But luckily I can "cheat" and just edit my stats back to roughly what they were. Otherwise I probably have permanently uninstalled (for a while) after losing all that time spent into my character lol.

(edit 1:

Looks like the game completely breaks if you reload a save in middle of a game. Every store became locked, no matter time of day and I also couldn't do any actions since they were all grayed out. Also all work+house icons on the map disappeared. And even reloading the entire game, the icons are still gone. But reloading the game let me do actions again (like the pornstar ones)

I pressed every button on my keyboard and the work+house icons are still not showing up.

I make a new game...for the 4th time...

And they show up fine

Looks like this is too early in its life to be playable. I've lost 3 games already. One which was a long game that I did so much on.

(edit: Sorry for my complaining/rants. Losing such a good save was annoying, and I don't like cheating that ruins games for me. But then when I start doing good again...surprise the icons for half the things disappear lol. And I pressed every key on my keyboard and I pressed one key and all the icons disappeared, but then pressed another key and they came back (except the houses/work still didn't come back). But then I press the same key and the icons didn't disappear. So must be a bug. I understand game is still being made, but made me pretty mad in real life so I got off and made coffee to calm down.

I'll return to the game in a few months, hopefully some of the stuff I'm reporting is changed or fixed. Its really far too easy to lose saves as it is though (which is 99% user error I understand that). That is the biggest problem. That and I spent like 30 min trying to find my work place again and I guess the icon permanently disappeared cause I could never find my work again. And I still dunno why the menu got permanently stuck until force closed the game...but at least that one is fixable by force closing the game. The icons disappearing is a bigger problem, I dunno what was up with that.

But I'll keep the patron up, cause I love the game...just was really buggy for me for some reason. And I don't see anyone talking about same issues I ended up having so I dunno.

I have a suggestion. A confirmation popup on exiting the game. Nothing worse than not paying attention (hey I just woke up and hadn't had my coffee) and clicking exit by mistake and then seeing all the stuff lost since didn't save :P

Also, how does being a pornstar work? Is there more to it? Or is only thing I can do is engage with fans?

Also, I bought some clothes and they didn't show up in my inventory. I'm guessing inventory is "I"? And actually I notice randomly I can choose what colors my clothes are on a new game...but another new game I can't choose the color of my clothes.

And finally...adding the game to steam works pretty well. Sometimes starting from steam it gives a fatal error and crashes when it loads on the first loading screen (only does it when launching from steam), but most of the time it starts up fine.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

I've added the incest module via Ctrl+M and then when using P to see my relatives I deleted the males, they were getting most of the events on the house... after that no more events.

Seems it killed the chain of events or what? can't get any sister incest events.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

Ok, having a new issue that I don't recall having from previous releases. When I go into my contacts list, certain people disappear and the options to edit their appearance/stats/ect isn't there. And when I leave the contacts list, my character's image disappears too. Other times my character won't disappear but it'll reset them to naked without hair or anything.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

Started a new game. Used the London map,,, found no houses to move into. Used the search option, and it gave 1 result called HOME... ponders.. had to create a residental building to move into... maybe my map is bugged or something?

Also, if you on a date with a relative. There is this event where you get dragged into an alley. Which in turn lead to sex. Maybe shouldn't happen on the first date out with a relative?

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

Problem #1: Even though I turned off "Modeling", I still keep getting requests from modeling agents. How do I properly fix this? Problem #2: While sleeping (at home), how is it that my character ends up taking a walk and meeting the neighbors outside of their homes?

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

I have same problem as @Way2co0l. Most often characters will become unavailable in contacts right after I edit their stats or appearance. If disappearing NPC has been a relative then I am still able to change whether they living with PC or not, but not what type of a relative they are. About dissapearing char model: body will reappear after any event, clothes after changing(in inventory they still seen as equipped, btw) and hair and genitals only reappear after sex scene. So not rendered, until needed it seem

Tried that. Didn't help. I'm using x64 version if it changes anything. I will try to transfer game to SSD to see if bug persists.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

seems like the 1.15 update broke a lot of the perversion requirements for events, I've got a perversion 0 char that hasn't been gated out of anything so far. ZephyrionToday at 3:43 AM Okay it seems like it's only for the events when a date brings you to play strip poker, to a sex shop, the adult cinema and the sex alley. Though I would think there should be a perversion requirement for whoring yourself and stripping at a strip club. Maybe low perversion chars could do it in desperation if they're broke or homeles What I mean is that they options in those events from having higher perversion aren't greyed out such as having sex in the sex shop.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

There's an issue with the break up button in the contacts options. It never ends a relationship with an NPC or pops up any dialogue or anything either. Is there an LP scene for this option in the dating folder? I've tried the domestic violence LP scene no luck there either.

vinfamy commented 5 years ago

Bug : it seems you can impregnate the girl when you fantasize about sex with her.