vinfamy / LifePlay

Free, Open-Source and Moddable Lifesim RPG (Link NSFW). I had to change my dev PC and couldn't set up Git correctly on the new PC so the full source code for the game will be available here:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
70 stars 34 forks source link

[SUGGESTIONS] [GAMEPLAY] Media as a source of information #190

Open robert-monotoli opened 3 years ago

robert-monotoli commented 3 years ago

It would be interesting to see some kind of media in-game that become important part of social life. Newspaper (print and/or online), Television, Radio, online media such as social media, and so on. Through them, your character could learn of events such as parties, festivals, and other social events that are open to general public or to limited public based on criteria they meet. It could include information such as day and time, location, and so on.

Let's say, for example, an adult convention is taking place in city and your character learn about them through a media, perhaps through newspaper or an online site. This event may be active for several days and you can go there any time. You would be notified when the event is active and when it is about to end. Maybe you could have settings to control how you are notified about events (maybe you are more interested in special events at the bar than at community center).

Learning about this event may or may not take place immediately. Though, I'd prefer not always immediately and some be scheduled as I'd like to see some use for calendars, similar to the calendar in The Sims 3/4. Calendar may also open up interesting possibilities by allowing players to add and define their own holidays, with certain pre-made ones available for use such as Christmas and Valentine's Day.

In fact, it would also be interesting to see in-game internet that you could open a browser and look at. It may even have its own interface to mimic the visual layout of web sites. This is not unlike how you can go to different sites on in-game internet via your character's phone in Grand Theft Auto V. Anyone could even add in-game websites as part of their mods.

Obviously, there is security implications to consider here for in-game internet and I am not sure if it is even possible to ensure that it can't link to external sites. HTML is probably sufficient for this without need for other things such as Javascript or whatever but I don't know enough to say this with certainty.

robert-monotoli commented 3 years ago

Here are examples of possible public or special events:

robert-monotoli commented 3 years ago

Also, if outdoors are implemented as part of the active game environment, weather could also be implemented and give media another role: weather information. Weather may or may not have gameplay impact. Rain might strike suddenly, unexpectedly, and a girl find herself wet.