vinfamy / LifePlay

Free, Open-Source and Moddable Lifesim RPG (Link NSFW). I had to change my dev PC and couldn't set up Git correctly on the new PC so the full source code for the game will be available here:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
70 stars 34 forks source link

Grammar 4.15 - Round 1 #203

Closed Rizean closed 2 years ago

Rizean commented 2 years ago

There are around 3K with a lot of false positives due to the nature of the game. So going to do these in batches over a few months for my sanity and yours ;)

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Descriptions/1.lpdesc 56: speeded > speed 464: spoonfitting > spooning 473: hilted > ?

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Pregnancy/Scenes/adoption.lpscene 14: appplication > application

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_NonConsensual/Scenes/ag_spiked_rape.lpscene 66 occured > occurred 100 oblidge > oblige

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Scenes/sexwork/assaulted_by_costar.lpscene LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Scenes/sexwork/assaulted_by_john.lpscene LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Scenes/sexwork/assaulted_by_pimp.lpscene 24 alnight > all night

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Stats/Relationship/attractiontoplayer.lpstat 2 activites > activities

Should do a mass find/replace on defilled > defiled LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Bestiality/Scenes/bestiality_cheater_cuckold_impregnate.lpscene 30 defilled > defiled

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Scenes/business/bargain.lpstat 2 relavant > relevant

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Bestiality/Scenes/bestiality_cuckold_impregnate.lpscene 60 fulfiling > fulfilling 64 digusting > disgusting

Should do a mass find/replace on winded > wound LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Bestiality/Scenes/bestiality_swinger_party.lpscene 225 winded > wound

Embarrassed vs Embarassed Embarrassed with two r's is the correct spelling. I checked to see if maybe this was a British spelling thing and it doesn't seem to be. I'm not going to list all of the occurrences of this as there are around 130 of these. Below are two examples. A mass case-sensitive find and replace would be the easiest way to fix this. I have tested this without issue.

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_NonConsensual/Scenes/ag_datingfriend_rape.lpscene 52: Player(Embarassed) > Player(Embarrassed)

LifePlay/Content/Modules/vin_Base/Scenes/work/afterwork_drinks.lpscene 174: embarassed > embarrassed 191: Embarassed > Embarrassed

With the mass find/replaces and updating the projects dictionary grammar errors went from over 3k to 1448. Will do more in a day or so.

vinfamy commented 2 years ago

All done, thank you for your help! :)