vingerha / gtfs2

Support GTFS in Home Assistant GUI-only
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Update Problems #13

Closed duczz closed 9 months ago

duczz commented 9 months ago

Since last Update i have always this problem. image

vingerha commented 9 months ago

As per the issue request, missing lots of details e.g. Steps/data to reproduce the behavior, e.g.

Release used Which gtfs2 release and HA type (HAOS/Container)

Additional Please add logs if helpfull

vingerha commented 9 months ago

And which release did you have before?

duczz commented 9 months ago

Sorry, i have complete uninstall this integration currently now I use HAOS in a Proxmox

URL: Landshut Hbf -> München Hbf

Last gtfs2 beta release

vingerha commented 9 months ago

You write 'since' the last update, so it did work before? If no routes then it is/was still in the process of extracting I guess ? Did you kill the process or did HA? And how do you know this was GTFS2 process?

vingerha commented 9 months ago

I tested the below Latest release of HAOS on VM Synology, 2Gb allocated GTFS 0.2.4 New entry "regional", using this link Took about 20mins to extract from a 11Mb zip into a 195Mb sqlite...I did not notice any issues with memory or CPU Setup for service-providers '0: ALL', then trains then typed in Landshut and München, with name LH_MCH This got setup in about 1 minute as it took some time where it needs to create indexes the first time (see doc) The result below, it would be nice if you could reproduce it with the same detail above

arrival: "2023-12-19T15:36:00+00:00"
day: today
first: false
last: false
offset: 0
agency_agency_id: "15"
agency_agency_name: DB Regio AG Bayern
agency_agency_timezone: Europe/Berlin
agency_agency_lang: de
agency_agency_phone: None
agency_agency_fare_url: None
agency_agency_email: None
origin_station_stop_name: Landshut(Bay)Hbf
origin_station_stop_id: "79241"
destination_station_stop_name: München Hbf
route_route_id: "927"
route_agency_id: "15"
route_route_short_name: RE3
route_route_long_name: None
route_route_desc: None
route_route_type: "2"
route_route_url: None
route_route_color: None
route_route_text_color: None
route_type_name: Rail
trip_route_id: "927"
trip_service_id: "1675"
trip_trip_id: "492258"
trip_trip_headsign: None
trip_trip_short_name: None
trip_direction_id: None
trip_block_id: None
trip_shape_id: None
trip_wheelchair_accessible: None
trip_bikes_allowed: None
trip_bikes_allowed_state: unknown
trip_wheelchair_access_available: unknown
origin_stop_arrival_time: "2023-12-19T14:44:00+00:00"
origin_stop_departure_time: "2023-12-19T14:48:00+00:00"
origin_stop_sequence: 8
origin_stop_drop_off_type_state: unknown
origin_stop_pickup_type_state: unknown
origin_stop_timepoint_exact: true
destination_stop_arrival_time: "2023-12-19T15:36:00+00:00"
destination_stop_departure_time: "2023-12-19T15:36:00+00:00"
destination_stop_sequence: 11
destination_stop_drop_off_type_state: unknown
destination_stop_pickup_type_state: unknown
destination_stop_timepoint_exact: true
  - "2023-12-19T14:48:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T15:05:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T15:32:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T15:48:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T16:06:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T16:30:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T16:48:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T17:05:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T17:32:00+00:00"
  - "2023-12-19T17:37:00+00:00"
  - 2023-12-19T14:48:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T15:05:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T15:32:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T15:48:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T16:06:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T16:30:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T16:48:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T17:05:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T17:32:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T17:37:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T14:48:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T15:05:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T15:32:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T15:48:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T16:06:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T16:30:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T16:48:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T17:05:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T17:32:00+00:00 (None)
  - 2023-12-19T17:37:00+00:00 (None)
gtfs_updated_at: "2023-12-19T14:33:40.849355+00:00"
origin_stop_alert: no info
destination_stop_alert: no info
info_realtime: No realtime information
attribution: DB Regio AG Bayern
device_class: timestamp
icon: mdi:train
friendly_name: LH_MCH
vingerha commented 9 months ago

btw, I am updating the second set of departures to show the line, the regional sqlite does not use the route_long_name, hence

duczz commented 9 months ago

Jep it worked before. I'm sure, because this error lefts after i uninstalled gtfs, and comes as i updated it. I killed nothing, so it must be HA

vingerha commented 9 months ago

Hmm, difficult as I cannot reproduce any of it. Install/update/uninstall all works for me as well as the gtfszip file loading (as per above). It may be related to the diskspace or low mem, no clue really wihtout repro :(

duczz commented 9 months ago

Allright, mabye a problem on my maschine