vingerha / gtfs2

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[FEATURE]: Allow Offset for Departures for local Zones, similar to Connections #58

Closed dafunkydan closed 2 months ago

dafunkydan commented 2 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like When setting up a connection between A and B, an Offset can be set (e.g. the Minimum Time needed to get to the Station). This Feature Request is to be able to set such an Offset for Static local Stops (defined by Zones) as well.

Describe alternatives you've considered Maybe a post processing in the displaying Cards like custom:flex-table-card could be set up as well, to filter out connections that are impossible to get

vingerha commented 2 months ago

The immediate consequence is that you may have no realtime data on this anylonger depending on the offset. In quite a few cases the RT only provides data 10-15 in advance, depending on the provider, so if you add 15 mins offset then in those cases it will show departure > 15 from now without any RT data. Note that this also applies to the other entity/setup using start/end stop_id. I tested it for yourMH setup I have since Monday and there is no realtime data available when using 20min offset.... any ideas?


dafunkydan commented 2 months ago

there is no realtime data available when using 20min offset.... any ideas?

Maybe i think too non-logical programming-wise, but have a look at the other referenced Feature Request. Maybe it can be solved not by setting the offset in the attribute for that stop, but by filtering the Departure Lines, before they get added to the "Array"?

vingerha commented 2 months ago

That is not what you asked for, you wanted to have a offset to incorporate possible time to get to the stop...the consequence is what I described above and it does not matter which approach: future departures have less chance in having a matching realtime component.

dafunkydan commented 2 months ago

I decided to scratch my head a bit, as i had the Feeling im am a bit more slow on the uptake today than usual 😝 I think i wanna put this a little bit longer aside. And maybe get more into the mechanisms of the Integration and to understand its general work.

And maybe there is a chance for a change regarding the Request with delayed Connections (which is way more important to me anyway) so...

vingerha commented 2 months ago

Too can decide to not apply it of course