vingerha / gtfs2

Support GTFS in Home Assistant GUI-only
MIT License
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Split code. #77

Closed FabienD74 closed 1 week ago

FabienD74 commented 1 month ago

Original version

vingerha commented 1 month ago

You are changing things let me know when this is clean from device-tracker related things and ready for review, no time to check over and over again :)

FabienD74 commented 1 month ago

I messed up will all my backup folders and repositories. The commit named "Add basic event/listner" contains too much. Fixed by the third commit, but it's not clean... Sorry.

I restart everything if you want...

vingerha commented 1 month ago

Deploying PR is a not as straightforward ... I know.... just let me know when done Another comment... the (new) local stop sensor list will eventually pose issues as it will grow out of acceptable size (attributes also have a limit) ...esp. if you are in a big town and/or big radius....

FabienD74 commented 1 month ago

i have no quick easy solution. If u think there is a risk, then may be we should revert everyting back... and delete this PR.

FabienD74 commented 1 month ago

I will continue on my fork.... I still need to find out the "destination" of the route. Otherwise this whole development is useless. Regards

vingerha commented 1 month ago continue and you can run all you build for yourselves of course. I can also have a look at the fork when you think you are done..merging with my main needs a reasonably OK basis (perfect does not exist :) ). For the local list, yes...this is going to be a possible issue...this is the 'warning' that will follow in such cases, not sure if it truncates

.... exceed maximum size of 16384 bytes. This can cause database performance issues; Attributes will not be stored
` `
vingerha commented 1 month ago

I will continue on my fork.... I still need to find out the "destination" of the route. Otherwise this whole development is useless. Regards

I can only say good-luck but I have to admit that I personally donot dee that happening

FabienD74 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your research.... => 16Kb ... that should be enough for my needs... It's already a huge timetable if I remove some info like route_name, coords,...

What a week!!! First dev in python 👍, first tme with github 👍, and first "custom component" ! 👍

That's too much in parallel ;-) ;-) ;-)

vingerha commented 1 month ago

Hence the start small, there is a lot of thinking and issue-resolving in this is not perfect at all but soo many things went peashaped due to unexpected issues with the source-data, database, HA-use, etc. So, if you want to put that sensor in a separate file then do that first, then test, apply further settings. The list is still an issue, it may be small enough for you but not for others and I do not want to start a repair-cycle, so if it breaks, I will just remove all of it and go back to 'today'. With me, simple env. the sensor already reaches 10k+ for 6 stops and with a low (village-alike) frequency

vingerha commented 1 month ago

Further small test.. I added a zone in amsterdam with many stop sbut there is no stop and no list, als the one that showed above 10k before no longer pops-up with data. I will revert this as it is not stable... thorough testing is required first. I will add a DEV branch so you can sync with that


vingerha commented 1 month ago

New branch dev created on the 'main' based on 'main' before applying your previous PR. I can create releases either from main or dev so this at least keeps 'main' as clean as can be ... and donot get me wrong, I do have to return quite often on my code :) Still, I propose you first create a working version on your fork, test this for zone and person and for multiple sources .... and when ready I will test it out as well

FabienD74 commented 1 month ago


vingerha commented 1 month ago

btw... to avoid making this a semi-chat post ...I am on disocrd with the same name, easier and less polluting for others :)

vingerha commented 1 week ago

Closing as this has mostly been used for chatty stuff and the PR is not complete