vingerha / gtfs2

Support GTFS in Home Assistant GUI-only
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[FEATURE]: Allow to combine data sources #81

Closed vingerha closed 1 week ago

vingerha commented 1 month ago

Describe the solution you'd like My area is served by 5+ transport providers, each with their own gtfs source. Especially for setting up local-stops, this means that I have to do this for each of the providers individually and need to refresh each setup individually too. When I base it on my cell-phone location, the refresh/automation has to run for each setup/source. Having all required in one db-source will make that easier to maintain on the front-end side too

Describe alternatives you've considered Alternative: my use case is based on 4 sources, this may be exceptional so not sure if it is worth adding (quite a bit) complexity and instead just live with multiple automations combined in one or more cards

Proposed approach Based on HA that runs the automations

vingerha commented 1 week ago

Closing as difficult to maintain with different refresh schedules of the various sources, i.e. in my use-case I would have to refresh weekly just because 1 source is refreshed weekly, others are mothly. As this is only 'my' use case so far, no further need known ...hence closing