vinhnx / notes

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SwiftUI + Combine note #270

Open vinhnx opened 5 years ago

vinhnx commented 5 years ago

References: (note to self, add new articles on the top)

SDK diffs:

== since SwiftUI is value type everytime you use reference type, use @ObjectBinding



@EnvironmentObject > @ObjectBinding [use EnvironmentObject to pass data around view hierarchy indirectly while ObjectBinding just to pass from superview to nearest child view (subsequently)]

@State > @Binding

super View should have @State child View should have @Binding superView @State [pass]-> childView @Binding



TIL: SwiftUI List and ForEach reuse cell internally


SwiftUI together with Combine will change everything we knew about iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS or whateverOS development

vinhnx commented 5 years ago


vinhnx commented 3 years ago