Once we declare a data type and a key to access it, we introduce this newly create key/value to EnvironmentValues using extension.
extension EnvironmentValues {
var isSensitive: Bool {
get { self[SensitiveKey.self] }
set { self[SensitiveKey.self] = newValue }
struct PasswordField: View {
let password: String
// we read environment value with `@Environment`
@Environment(\.isSensitive) private var isSensitive
var body: some View {
VStack {
// View then react to `isSensitive` value by redact the password if `isSensitive` is `true`.
Text(password).redacted(reason: isSensitive ? .placeholder: [])
To use this PasswordField
struct ContentView: View {
// we create a @State to control `isSensitive` env value
@State private var isSensitive = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
// bind the state var to a toggle
Toggle("Sensitive", isOne: $isSensitive)
// use the state var to override `isSensitive` env value of `PasswordField`
PasswordField(password: "123456").isSensitive(isSensitive)
It might not be obvious that we can create a custom environment value, but we can do that. The steps to create one are not as straightforward as we usually do, but it isn't hard if you know how to do it.
Here is a summary of how to create a new environment value.
// Create an environment key
private struct NewKey: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: DataTypeForNewValue = defaultValue
// Introduce new value to EnvironmentValues
extension EnvironmentValues {
var newEnvironmentName: DataTypeForNewValue {
get { self[NewKey.self] }
set { self[NewKey.self] = newValue }
// Add a dedicated modifier (Optional)
extension View {
func newModifier(_ value: DataTypeForNewValue) -> some View {
environment(\.newEnvironmentName, value)
is one way to pass data from one view to another.To define an
value you need two things:EnvironmentKey
with newly create valueExample:
Create an environment key
Introduce new value to
Once we declare a data type and a key to access it, we introduce this newly create key/value to
using extension.Using
To use this
It might not be obvious that we can create a custom environment value, but we can do that. The steps to create one are not as straightforward as we usually do, but it isn't hard if you know how to do it.
Here is a summary of how to create a new environment value.