vinicius3g / store-framework
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Header #22

Open github-learning-lab[bot] opened 4 years ago

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 4 years ago

Cabeçalho da loja

:sparkles: Branch: header


Neste passo, aprenderemos a configurar o primeiro componente de toda loja: o Header.

O Header tem um papel muito importante na página inicial da loja, pois ele é o responsável por abrigar outros blocos essenciais para a navegação do usuário, como a barra de busca e o menu.

Header Desktop: image

Header Mobile: image

Configurando o Header

O bloco do Header é responsivo, ou seja, ele pode ser configurado para se adaptar a diferentes dispositivos, como desktop e mobile.

Abaixo, podemos conferir um exemplo de implementação:

  "header": {
    "blocks": [
  "header.full": {
    "blocks": [

  "header-layout.desktop": {
    "children": [

  "": {
    "children": [


Agora, vamos configurar do zero um Header para a página inicial da sua loja, com barra de notificação e busca, logo, carrinho e login. O Menu não será configurado nesse momento, pois trabalharemos com ele mais a fundo na próxima atividade.

Para a implementação do Header com todos esses blocos, levaremos em consideração o código exemplo apresentado acima. Assim, será possível construir um Header responsivo, adaptável para usuários de desktop e mobile.

  1. Diferentemente do comportamento de outros blocos, o Header não precisa ser declarado dentro um template do seu tema, pois de toda forma ele será renderizado em todas as páginas da loja. Neste exercício, vamos declarar os blocos do header no arquivo header.jsonc, que deve ser criado na pasta store/blocks.
  2. Declare o seguinte bloco em seguida:
"header-row#notification": {
  "children": [
  1. Com base no bloco acima, construa o header-row#main com as seguintes children: logo, header-spacer, search-bar, minicart e login;
  2. Ainda no bloco header-row#main, declare as props inverted, sticky e fullWidth com os valores true, true e false, respectivamente;
  3. Copie e cole o código abaixo para configurar o bloco header para mobile, da mesma forma que fizemos para o desktop anteriormente:
"header-row#main-mobile": {
  "children": [

  "props": {
    "sticky": true,

"header-row#search": {
  "children": [
  "props": {
    "sticky": true
  1. Declare o bloco responsável por definir o login e o logo da loja, usando o código apresentado abaixo. Eles serão usados pelo Header dos dois dispositivos;
  "props": {
    "showIconProfile": true,
    "iconLabel": "Login"

  "props": {
    "url": ""
  1. Por último, precisamos declarar o componente principal da linha do Header de notificação ("header-row#notification"): o Rich Text;
"rich-text#header": {
  "props": {
    "text": "**Free Shipping on orders over $50**",
    "textPosition": "CENTER"
  1. Seguindo a recipe sobre customizar ícones de loja, substitua o ícone padrão usado na barra de busca e no carrinho pelos exemplificados abaixo.
<path fill="currentColor" d="M4,13H1c-0.552,0-1-0.448-1-1v0c0-0.552,0.448-1,1-1h3V13z"></path> <path fill="currentColor" d="M15,3H1C0.448,3,0,2.552,0,2v0c0-0.552,0.448-1,1-1h14c0.552,0,1,0.448,1,1v0C16,2.552,15.552,3,15,3z"></path> <path fill="currentColor" d="M4,8H1C0.448,8,0,7.552,0,7v0c0-0.552,0.448-1,1-1h3V8z"></path> <path fill="currentColor" d="M15.707,13.293l-2.274-2.274C13.785,10.424,14,9.74,14,9c0-2.206-1.794-4-4-4S6,6.794,6,9 s1.794,4,4,4c0.74,0,1.424-0.215,2.019-0.567l2.274,2.274L15.707,13.293z M10,11c-1.103,0-2-0.897-2-2s0.897-2,2-2s2,0.897,2,2 S11.103,11,10,11z"></path>
<path fill="currentColor" d="M15,6h-1.4l-2.7-5.4C10.6,0.1,10-0.1,9.6,0.1C9.1,0.4,8.9,1,9.1,1.4L11.4,6H4.6l2.3-4.6 c0.2-0.5,0-1.1-0.4-1.3C6-0.1,5.4,0.1,5.1,0.6L2.4,6H1c-1.1,0-1.1,1-0.9,1.4l3,8C3.2,15.7,3.6,16,4,16h8c0.4,0,0.8-0.3,0.9-0.6l3-8 C16.1,7,16,6,15,6z"></path>

Ao concluir o passo 8, os novos ícones de barra de busca e carrinho devem estar renderizados na sua loja da seguinte forma:


:information_source: Lembre-se de acessar a documentação do Header caso tenha alguma dúvida durante a atividade.

:no_entry_sign: Perdido?

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vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 4 years ago

Oopsie, something went wrong :crying_cat_face:




:white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :white_check_mark: Your store must contain header full and header layouts desktop and mobile :white_check_mark: Desktop's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Mobile's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#main-mobile props and children properly :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

Try again :grin:

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 4 years ago

Oopsie, something went wrong :crying_cat_face:




:white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :white_check_mark: Your store must contain header full and header layouts desktop and mobile :white_check_mark: Desktop's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Mobile's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#main-mobile props and children properly :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

Try again :grin:

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 4 years ago

Oopsie, something went wrong :crying_cat_face:




:white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :white_check_mark: Your store must contain header full and header layouts desktop and mobile :white_check_mark: Desktop's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Mobile's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#main-mobile props and children properly :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

Try again :grin:

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 4 years ago

You did great! :grin:




:white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :white_check_mark: Your store must contain header full and header layouts desktop and mobile :white_check_mark: Desktop's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Mobile's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 4 years ago

Você terminou este passo com sucesso!

Vá para o próximo passo!