vinifmor / bauh

Graphical user interface for managing your Linux applications. Supports AppImage, Debian and Arch packages (including AUR), Flatpak, Snap and native Web applications
zlib License
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Suggestion: Check if application isn't running after downloading update and before installing it #263

Open Templayer opened 2 years ago

Templayer commented 2 years ago

Debian currently doesn't do this and it is possible to break apps by updating them while they are running if they save their configuration files on closing.

Currently, it takes forever to download/update browsers for me, and I'm using Brave most of the time.

To properly update Brave, I have to exit it, download/install its update (this can take a few minutes... of me doing nothing, as I'm a web application developer :D ) and then relaunch it.

How it could work: Try to detect if the application is running after downloading an update. If it is running, tell the user and ask the user how to proceed (stop the update, kill the process and proceed, proceed without killing the process). If the application type doesn't allow you to inject an action between downloading and updating, then do the check before downloading. If the check fails (is unable to discern if the app is running or not for an application type that it should work for), the user should be notified as well.