vinisalazar / metaphor

Metaphor: a general-purpose workflow for assembly and binning of metagenomes
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Which minimap2 version is running? #72

Closed s-junguy closed 2 months ago

s-junguy commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am creating a list of all tools I have run within the pipeline including the tool versions. The report does not state the version from minimap2 though, so I am asking: Which minimap2 version has been used in the Metaphor version 1.7.11?

vinisalazar commented 2 months ago

Hi @s-junguy,

Thank you for reporting that.

The best way to identify exactly what minimap2 version is running is to activate the conda environment in which it is installed and run conda list | grep minimap.

To do that, follow the instructions described here:

Let me know how it goes.


s-junguy commented 2 months ago

Thank you! If I run conda list | grep minimap, it shows nothing. If I follow the instructions from the link, it only shows - minimap2 without a specific version.

vinisalazar commented 2 months ago

Could you activate the minimap2 environment (following the instructions in the link) and paste the full output of conda list (without the grep command) here?

s-junguy commented 2 months ago

Thank you. I found the Minimap version in the log file.