vinisalazar / metaphor

Metaphor: a general-purpose workflow for assembly and binning of metagenomes
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display X server #76

Open eachraf opened 1 month ago

eachraf commented 1 month ago

I get the following error when running metaphor using slurm metaphor qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :1.0 Could not connect to any X display. As I am running on HPC I do not have access to X window, I believe some code is using this to generate the final report, is there a workaround or flag that I should use. Thanks

vinisalazar commented 1 month ago

Hi @eachraf, thank you for reporting this.

You can prevent the generation of the report with the --skip-report flag on themetaphor execute command.

If you could provide more details of the error you are getting (e.g. a screenshot or the full error traceback), that would be great.

Best, Vini