vinissimus / async-asgi-testclient

A framework-agnostic library for testing ASGI web applications
MIT License
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TestClient calls wrong methd when fastapi.APIRouter().add_api_router() is used to setup the router #62

Open johannes-mueller opened 1 year ago

johannes-mueller commented 1 year ago

TestClient always calls the GET routes, when routes are added using fastapi.APIRouter().add_api_router() no matter what method was requested.

Execute the following program

import asyncio
from async_asgi_testclient import TestClient as AsyncTestClient
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI

def get():
    print("called get", end=', ')

def post():
    print("called post", end=', ')

def put():
    print("called put", end=', ')

def delete():
    print("called delete", end=', ')

def make_router():
    router = APIRouter()
    router.add_api_route('/', get, methods=['GET'])
    router.add_api_route('/', post, methods=['POST'])
    router.add_api_route('/', put, methods=['PUT'])
    return router

api = FastAPI()
api.include_router(make_router(), prefix='/foo')

async def main():
    with TestClient(api) as client:
        print("GET request", client.get('/foo').status_code)
        print("POST request",'/foo').status_code)
        print("PUT request", client.put('/foo').status_code)
        print("DELETE request", client.delete('/foo').status_code)
    async with AsyncTestClient(api) as client:
        print("GET request", (await client.get('/foo')).status_code)
        print("POST request", (await'/foo')).status_code)
        print("PUT request", (await client.put('/foo')).status_code)
        print("DELETE request", (await client.delete('/foo')).status_code)

output is

called get, GET request 200
called post, POST request 200
called put, PUT request 200
DELETE request 405
called get, GET request 200
called get, POST request 200
called get, PUT request 200
called get, DELETE request 200

expected output is

called get, GET request 200
called post, POST request 200
called put, PUT request 200
DELETE request 405
called get, GET request 200
called post, POST request 200
called put, PUT request 200
DELETE request 405

Python versions tested: 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 fastapi: 0.104.1 async-asgi-testclient: 1.4.11