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adb_cheatsheet #7

Open vinjn opened 11 years ago

vinjn commented 11 years ago

filter logcat output Every Android log message has a tag and a priority associated with it.

Using grep adb logcat -v time -d | grep <package-name>

A general syntax adb logcat <package-name>:<log level> *:S

Shortcut to mute other tags by -s, which means *:S adb logcat -S <package-name>

displays all log messages with priority level "warning" and higher, on all tags adb logcat *:W

Display messages with "ActivityManager" tag at priority "Info" or above and all log messages with tag "MyApp", with priority "Debug" or above, :S, sets the priority level for all other tags to "silent" `adb logcat ActivityManager:I MyApp:D :S`

vinjn commented 11 years ago

colorful logcat

vinjn commented 11 years ago

log priority

vinjn commented 11 years ago

dump to local file adb logcat -d > logcat.txt

vinjn commented 11 years ago


Every time a process crashes under Android, a so called Tombstone is written for the process. A tombstone is a file containing important information about the process when it crashed. A slimmed core dump of sorts

ll data/tombstones