As a team member I want to see a front-end to achieve understand what we are offering a user
As a user I want to accesss the system so that I can understand what it offers and learn the functionality
Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:
Wireframes created
Rough idea of what we are trying to create from users perspective (chatbot type app, with text-based/ charts/ map outputs)
Rough idea of how the back-end might be connected in future
Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')
[ ] Must be reasonably aligned with wireframe
[ ] Must reasonably align with what we know about backend/ how we might link
[ ] Task1
[ ] Task2
[ ] Task3
[ ] Task4
Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion
As a team member I want to see a front-end to achieve understand what we are offering a user As a user I want to accesss the system so that I can understand what it offers and learn the functionality
Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:
Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')
Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion