vinnymac / PokeNurse

💉 A tool for Pokémon Go to aid in transferring and evolving Pokémon
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clarify excess vs extra candy/mons #199

Open YesThatAllen opened 7 years ago

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

I built & ran the develop branch today, it looks awesome.

I have a question about the numbers that I'm seeing next to my magikarp.

I just have enough to evolve one of my Magikarp, but I'm seeing +798


Clearly I'd like to see changes to the counting overall, as described in #174, but I don't know that the oddity here is related.

Maybe both can be addressed at the same time?

vinnymac commented 7 years ago

I am pretty sure 798 is correct here.

798 more candies are needed if you want all 3 magikarps, for example

798 candy + 402 candy = 1200 candy 1200 candy / 400 candy per evolution = 3 evolutions 3 evolutions === 3 magikarps

Obviously the numbers might not be straightforward as it was based off of someone elses desires for a feature, but maybe we can come up with a better way of explaining this information, this was one of the reasons I didn't want to throw extra info into the table because it isn't implicit what it means.

Redarion commented 7 years ago

Actually that was a mistery for me too! Thanks for the explanation! I think an easy way to do it is via tooltip on mouseover. But that's just an idea.

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

Thanks Vincent, I realized it later. Had I done the math to see that ~1200 = enough to evolve 3 gyrados, I would have figured it.

In I suggested moving the number of excess candy to the Evolves column. I wonder if the extra/lacking candy count should always be on the Candy column, either was a + if there are more than needed, or - if it would take more candy to evolve the number of pokemon in storage.

hacknug commented 7 years ago

EDIT: Left this tab opened earlier and I just saw all the answers.

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

In this picture, we're using +2 to indicate that I need to get 2 more weedle candy to be able to evolve all the weedles.

I think it'd be clearer to show that as a negative number in red, indicating that there is a deficiency here.

Redarion commented 7 years ago

maybe something like (+2) with the "(" and the tooltip as always. I like the tooltip!

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

After using the current setup for a while, I haven't found much use for +174 next to the candy count if I have too many candies, I'd rather see 37-19= +18 next to the mon count, so I knew how many I should transfer.

Redarion commented 7 years ago

The question is, what we want to show? How many we can evolve with that candies or how many candies are necessary to evolve that number of pokemon?

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

I can't think of a good use for knowing that it would take 174 more candies to evolve the mon's onhand. (I realize that my comment 1/2 hour ago wasn't even correct... that's a confusing number.

It's not like I can magically find 174 more Pidgey candy, and if I did, I'd have more mons.

Knowing that I can transfer 18 would be great. Bonus point for realizing that I should only transfer 17, because the act of transferring will give me 17 more candies.

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

Another example.. I think it's more useful to show that I have 3 spare magikarp here, instead of saying I need 1180 more candy.

So, +3 next to the mons in green, and no number next to candy.


When there are more candy than mons to update, moving the + over to the candy would make a lot more sense to me than the current setup, which tells me I have enough candy to evolve mon's I don't have.