vinnymac / PokeNurse

💉 A tool for Pokémon Go to aid in transferring and evolving Pokémon
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Fix the count for totalCandyNeeded and extraPokemonNeeded #202

Closed hacknug closed 7 years ago

hacknug commented 7 years ago

I'm pretty sure totalCandyNeeded is now correct. Not so much about extraPokemonNeeded (maybe it was already correct the way it was before?). I will need you to check it out and confirm, @YesThatAllen.

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

For whatever reason, when I build this on my local, I get:

Error: operation timed out after 9930 ms, 5 tries with error: Fetching RPC endpoint failed, received status code 100

even after merging master in to this branch. I feel like my local is using a cached dependency, but don't know how to address it.

hacknug commented 7 years ago

I think this is related to Bossland's API. Do you use a hash key? Have you tried using Bossland's latest version of the API if you do? (I think a new one came out a few hours ago)

I just ran it with no problems without using any hash key.

YesThatAllen commented 7 years ago

I'm not using a hash key.

I've had this problem before on my laptop. I will try again tomorrow on my desktop.

vinnymac commented 7 years ago

Maybe we should add some comments with some math so reading this isn't so hard.

hacknug commented 7 years ago

The number will now show a description of what it represents on mouse over.

captura de pantalla 2017-03-14 a las 0 45 51
Redarion commented 7 years ago

Nice work

vinnymac commented 7 years ago

@hacknug great work