vinnymac / PokeNurse

💉 A tool for Pokémon Go to aid in transferring and evolving Pokémon
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Login requires hashing key #213

Closed hacknug closed 7 years ago

hacknug commented 7 years ago

As sugested by @vinnymac in #212 , PokéNurse for now requires you to use a hashing key in order to login. This will avoid the possibility of accounts getting flagged for trying to use the old API. This will also reduce the amount of issues getting opened to report login errors.

To avoid getting more issues asking what this hashingKey is, we should probably change what we show here (and write about it in

captura de pantalla 2017-03-15 a las 2 08 05

This fixes #213 and fixes #216

vinnymac commented 7 years ago

@hacknug great! Thanks for putting this together. I suppose we can write about the token service and options users have.

It would be nice if we could display a different kind of dialog, maybe with a button that says 'Learn More' where we can open up the readme for them.

I think the tooltip could be removed. The readme will be a lot more suitable for explanations.

Redarion commented 7 years ago

I'm writing this comment and deleting my previous comment just as a reminder of what it was discussed on discord.

On login a message popup will show that

A HashinKey is required to log in. You can find more about hashkey here <-- clickable link to pogodev (yeah we users are lazyass and don't want to read any readme file!)

also we will provide a tooltip on the hashkey icon providing just little information about what an hashkey is and why is it required.

hacknug commented 7 years ago

I'll have this later today so we can merge and build the app again to see of there's still issues.

hacknug commented 7 years ago

I think we should merge this and open a new issue in case we want to change the message we show if the user doesn't provide a key if we want to show a link there (there's no way to show link the way ot works now).