vinsol / nectarcommerce

Quest for customizable E-commerce - the Elixir way
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Worldly Hex Package ETA? #73

Closed samhamilton closed 8 years ago

samhamilton commented 8 years ago


I was just wondering when you will be releasing the Worldly package on Hex? Even if its just v0.0.1

Cheers Sam

samhamilton commented 8 years ago

Actually even if Worldly was its own github repo that would help too, then I could install it as a dep in my mix file {:worldly, github: "vinsol/worldly"}

Thanks Sam

pikender commented 8 years ago

@samhamilton , worldly code is now available at

We are making changes for its release and should be available soon on hex.

To use it till package work is in progress, please use below deps representation in your mix.exs to use it independently

{:worldly, github: "vinsol/worldly", branch: "from/nectar"}

Let us know, if you face any problems and create an issue on worldly repo

Thanks for the suggestion and interest in use of worldly :)

samhamilton commented 8 years ago

many thanks @pikender !

pikender commented 8 years ago

@samhamilton we have a released a hex package too

Check the installation steps here and let me know, if you face any issues

samhamilton commented 8 years ago

@pikender Many thanks!