vinsworldcom / nppConsole

Windows console (Command Prompt, PowerShell) in Notepad++
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Plugins Admin description #5

Open pryrt opened 1 year ago

pryrt commented 1 year ago

Plugins > Plugins Admin > Installed: image

It just lists the DLL rather than the name of the plugin. And it has no description in the Plugins Admin description box. Getting that meta-information available in the Plugins Admin might be nice. ;-)

(And if that requires that you actually submit NppConsole to the nppPluginList, that's really not such a bad thing, because that would make it easier to install and look for updates; I didn't know that v1.2.5.1 had been released until today, despite it being more than a year old. Since the original NppConsole was never in the nppPluginList, you wouldn't be "stepping on toes". But I know you are mostly maintaining these for yourself, so I understand if you just ignore this.)

vinsworldcom commented 1 year ago

@pryrt thanks for the feedback. I think the plugin meta data does come from the nppPluginAdmin JSON file. This is one of those plugins that like you said, I forked since changes from the original were not forthcoming. To be honest, I no longer use this one so haven't put much effort into it. I had thoughts of trying to create a tabbed interface for multiple consoles, but I'm not very sure how it does its thing in the first place so that became a bridge too far with my limited skills.
