vinszent / gnome-twitch

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Freeze while revisiting the same observed stream #208

Open mecjuszfufecjusz opened 7 years ago

mecjuszfufecjusz commented 7 years ago
  1. Launch GNOME Twitch.
  2. Open list of observed channels.
  3. Click on one that is currently streaming.
  4. After a few seconds click „Back” button. You’re back on the list of observed channels.
  5. Click on the same channel.
  6. After a few moments (during initial buffering) application freezes with 0% CPU usage.
vinszent commented 7 years ago

Couple of questions as I can't seem to replicate this issue:

mecjuszfufecjusz commented 7 years ago
  1. I am logged in.
  2. GStreamer Clutter.
  3. Ubuntu 16.10 amd64 (DE Unity, not GNOME).
  4. As all my observed channels are offline now, I cannot exactly replicate this behaviour on an observed channel, but I decided to try did this on a random one (Games → League of Legends → first channel on the grid; let it go through initial buffering, click Back, then again on the same channel). Behavior is same as above: freeze with 0% CPU. Whole terminal output:
[17:11:38] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtApp} Startup
[17:11:38] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtApp} Loading chat settings
[17:11:38] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtApp} Activate
[17:11:38] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtPlayer} Loaded player backend 'GStreamer Clutter player backend'
[17:11:38] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtPlayerBackendGstreamerClutter} Init
[17:12:14] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtPlayer} Opening stream 'imaqtpie' with quality 'source'
[17:12:14] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtIrc} Connecting with nick='mecjuszfufecjusz', host='' and port='6667'
[17:12:15] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtIrc} Joining with channel='#imaqtpie'
libva info: VA-API version 0.39.2
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_39
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
[17:12:19] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtIrc} Parting with channel='#imaqtpie'
[17:12:19] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtIrc} Disconnecting
[17:12:19] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtPlayer} Stopping
[17:12:28] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtPlayer} Opening stream 'imaqtpie' with quality 'source'
[17:12:28] Critical - Gtk : gtk_bin_remove: assertion 'priv->child == child' failed
[17:12:29] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtIrc} Connecting with nick='mecjuszfufecjusz', host='' and port='80'
[17:12:29] Message - GNOME-Twitch : {GtIrc} Joining with channel='#imaqtpie'
libGL error: failed to create drawable
libGL error: failed to create drawable
vinszent commented 7 years ago

In relation to #210 do the GST-Cairo/OpenGL backends work here?

mecjuszfufecjusz commented 7 years ago

Yes, they do, no freezes.