vintage / scratcher

Scratch card widget which temporarily hides content from user.
MIT License
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video? blur? opacity? #44

Open jtkeyva opened 1 year ago

jtkeyva commented 1 year ago

awesome package!

can this support a video overlay and reveal another video underneath?

also, is there any way to smply provide a background blur or frost effect and when you scratch, it unblurs?


jtkeyva commented 1 year ago

actually... is it possible to just put any widget on top?

jtkeyva commented 1 year ago

also, unable to use network image as the scratcher?

vintage commented 1 year ago

It's not possible to render video on top of the widget. The only supported formats are color and image. PR welcome.

jtkeyva commented 1 year ago

@vintage thanks for the info. is it possible for the image to be blurry or create a background blur?