vintlabs / fauxmoESP

Add voice control of your ESP32 and ESP8266 devices using Amazon Alexa
MIT License
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Alexa groups #186

Open intouchrandb opened 3 years ago

intouchrandb commented 3 years ago

Using the Alexa app, Alexa groups don't select the correct device. I have a number of devices from Tuya and Sonoff along with 2 esp8266 with 2 devices each...Lamp 1, Lamp 2, and Lamp 3 , Lamp 4. When I select Lamp 1 and Lamp 2 for group Living room and save it, Lamp 1 and Lamp 4 are shown as saved. If I edit group living room I find Lamp 1 check, Lamp 2 unchecked and Lamp 4 checked. I'm using esp8266, core 2.4.2, Fauxmo 3.4, Echo dot Gen 4. All esp8266 devices are working fine from the device list in the Alexa app. So what's wrong with the group function? Great job to all on this project.

GNU71 commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. I am using an esp32 board LAMP_1 -> ESP 1 LAMP_2 -> ESP 2

and an ESP8266 board LAMP_3 -> ESP81 LAMP_4 -> ESP82

On the first group I see ESP 1 and ESP 2 On the second group I see ESP 1 and ESP82

When I uploaded the second group, I had added ESP81 and ESP82

In the device list, I see ESP81 and I can also command it correctly Great job to all on this project.

eternalconcert commented 2 years ago

Same here.

When adding one of my ESP-Devices to a group, there is always one specific Device added, but not the one I was trying to add. Some examples:

All devices can be used and activated/deactivated by name, but it is not possible to add them to groups, except for one. I am not sure how the one which is added to the group is determined. It is always the same device. When I remove it from Alexa, another device takes its place as the only one which can be added to groups.

ljheidel commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem. My devices work fine as individual lights, but if I try to add them to a Alexa group, it adds another device. Using a DOIT Devkit ESP32 V1 with the latest fauxmo library. UUID problem? That doesn't make sense because they work as individual lights.