vintlabs / fauxmoESP

Add voice control of your ESP32 and ESP8266 devices using Amazon Alexa
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Can't detect new devices #199

Open suloku opened 2 years ago

suloku commented 2 years ago

A couple months ago I set up a wemos D1 (ESP32 device) with two devices, after some troubles, library updating etc alexa found the two devices and I've been using them since then without problems.

Today I wanted to add a third device, but after adding the new device I can't get alexa to recognize the new device. Furthermore, I accidentally deleted on of the two devices that were perfectly working, and now that device can't be detected either, so I lost one device.

The other device is still fully working when commanded with alexa, but I can't add any new device. Any advice?

I'm using echo dot 4g, a 2.4G network (phone, alexa, computer and wemos D1 wifi (ESP8266) on same network), latest version of fauxmoesp 3.4 and ES8266 core 2.4.4 (also tried with 2.7.4 with the same results). EDIT: and LwIP is set to "v1.4 Higher Bandwidth" when I upload my code.

I also tried with the example, can't discover any colored lamp from it. Also tried the example with only adding one device (yellow lamp)

Any advice?

EDIT: I deleted the last device I had that still worked from alexa, thinking that maybe then it would detect the devices. Now I can't control any device because discovery keeps failing

suloku commented 2 years ago

Well, after some thought and rest I thought that maybe I had too many devices on my network, so I did this:

1.- Plane mode every phone/tablet/computer 2.- Disconnect as many smart devices (plugs, switches, bulbs...) as I could 3.- Router restart

Afterwards alexa had no problem finding my 3 fauxmo devices.

Maybe it was just the router restart, but I'm not trying until I need to add a new device. Maybe this will help someone else.