vintlabs / fauxmoESP

Add voice control of your ESP32 and ESP8266 devices using Amazon Alexa
MIT License
375 stars 70 forks source link

double action with Alexa #231

Open mjtrini opened 1 year ago

mjtrini commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the awesome library!

I have noticed with my Echo Dot gen 4, that 2 out of every 5 times, when Alexa verbally responds, it goes"pling pling" instead of saying "OK". When that happens, my esp8266 gives a double output via Alexa's voice control. When the Alexa (either the app or Echo Dot) says "OK", a single output is produced (which is desired).

If there any way to ensure only a single output is generated when the esp8266 gets a voice control from Alexa?

Much thanks and appreciation, Michael.

intouchrandb commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing the same thing. Looks like Alexa is sending multiple commands on Pling Pling. Does not seem to be a problem on my end. Running Gen4, esp8266 with core 2.74, fauxmo 3.4, and v2 Lower memory. Great library.....
