Closed pvint closed 6 years ago
Original comment by Xose Pérez (Bitbucket: [Xose Pérez]( Pérez), ).
There are libraries that allow you to do that, like WifiManager for instance.
Original comment by Deiu (Bitbucket: d3iu, GitHub: d3iu).
Unfortunetly that does not work due to issue with multiple instances of WiFI definitions inside libraries with same name that conflict! Something must be done specialy for this case... Who knows to compile Fauxmo and WifiManager together and define there... ports, names, wifi SSID and password, etc to make it a lot easyer... that would be great and awsome, it would replace all SONOFF devices that must be hacked to do something similar like that
Original report by mmoraes80 (Bitbucket: mmoraes80, GitHub: mmoraes80).
Hi there!
Is there a way to replace the "credentials.h" with something that allows you to find the SSID and type the password (like setting it up through an app)