vinzscam / backstage-chart

Backstage Helm Chart
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INSTALLATION FAILED: The repository name of the image is required (e.g. my-backstage:tag | #25

Closed xerere closed 1 year ago

xerere commented 1 year ago

After successfully issuing helm repo add backstage the next suggested command for install: helm install my-backstage-release backstage/backstage results in Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: execution error at (backstage/templates/backstage-deployment.yaml:1:61): The repository name of the image is required (e.g. my-backstage:tag |

vinzscam commented 1 year ago

Hi, it looks you haven't provided your own Backstage Docker image as mentioned in the Prerequisites. We don't ship any default Backstage image, otherwise you will loose any possibility to customize your Backstage instance.

ChrisJBurns commented 1 year ago

@xerere Are you ok with us closing this, given @vinzscam response?