violettianjie / Give-2.0

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Modual 6 Philanthropy – the Never-Ending Gift #5

Closed violettianjie closed 1 year ago

violettianjie commented 6 years ago


Measuring Our Success as Philanthropists 6min

Your Ongoing Learning 15min

You + LAAF 4min

Your Giving Legacy 16min

Workbook 30min

Final Exam 20min+

violettianjie commented 6 years ago


violettianjie commented 6 years ago

giving 2.0 书

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Giving everything you have.

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

拥抱挑战。embrace challenge

Live your passion.not have a passion.

Make your dreams a reality through your actions and your will. not have a dream.

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

作业 Individual Giving Action Plan

Question 1

Reflect on what social causes you are passionate about and what your motivating reasons are for giving. Where does your passion intersect with critical social or environmental needs? Feel free to cite data demonstrating the social issue. Based on this, select a specific social issue on which to focus your IGAP.

Question 2

Brainstorm 5 possible intervention strategies you could take to address your chosen issue area. Select one intervention strategy you wish to pursue with your IGAP and explain why.

Question 3

List 3-5 nonprofits that are aligned with your selected intervention strategy. Which of these do you think is having the greatest impact and why? Keep in mind, some activities in your IGAP will require that you select a nonprofit organization (e.g. donating money) while others may not (e.g. creating online petition).

Question 4

Select two specific philanthropic activities you will do in order to address your selected social issue area. For each activity, outline:

What type of philanthropic gift is it? (i.e. money, skills, network, etc.) What will this activity entail? Refer to the Module 5 videos and workbook for guiding questions. Why is it strategic? What are your key milestones and target dates? Refer to the Module 6 workbook for more guidance on setting goals and a timeline.

Question 5

How will you incorporate evaluation into your philanthropy? How often will you revisit the various components of your IGAP?

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Exercise: Set personal goals for each of the activities you have completed in your IGAP, as well as all the questions you have answered under money, time and skills. Once you have set your giving goals, build metrics for each one (such as how much time you want to spend volunteering in the short, intermediate and long-term). Then do the same for your social impact goals¬—these are the objectives you set for the amount of social impact you will create. Do your best guess of what is hard, yet possible, to achieve. You can always make changes later, but these should be stretch goals—you will most likely nd that your philanthropic achievements far exceed your initial aspirations.

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Exercise: Craft three tweets and one Facebook post about what you have learned taking Giving 2.0: The MOOC. Think of the takeaways from your previous activity and remember the three questions from the video to inspire what content you share:

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Exercise: Begin by re ecting on the learning objectives from week 1:

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Exercise: Set personal goals for each of the activities you have completed in your IGAP, as well as all the questions you have answered under money, time and skills. Once you have set your giving goals, determine what your next step will be and a deadline for accomplishing that goal. This may be as simple as nding a volunteer opportunity in the next week, or as complicated as interviewing nancial advisors and lawyers to prepare a bequest by the year’s end.

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Excercise: Build your personal theory of change using the diagram on the next page. So far, you have only seen simple theories of change, but this one will include your entire resource portfolio (inputs) and the variety of ways you deploy them (activities). Your inputs and activities will produce a diverse range of outputs, and these elements will all work together for one outcome—your mission. If you are working on multiple issue areas, create a unique theory of change for each.

violettianjie commented 6 years ago

Your Theory of Change:





violettianjie commented 6 years ago
