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Viper allows predicates whose fractional amount is not self-framing #809

Open gauravpartha opened 3 months ago

gauravpartha commented 3 months ago

Carbon and Silicon check for each predicate whether the body is self-framing. However, (in cases where the amounts of permission involved rule out aliasing possibilities) this check might not imply that every fractional amount of this body is self-framing. As a result, both verify the following program (explanation below the listing), but I think they should report an error:

field f: Int
field g: Int

predicate R(x: Ref, y: Ref) {
    acc(x.f) && acc(y.f) && (x == y ==> y.g > 0)

method main(a: Ref) 
    requires acc(a.g) && acc(a.f)
    ensures false
    a.g := 1
    fold acc(R(a,a), 1/2) // Point A
    a.g := -1 //Point B
    unfold acc(R(a,a),1/2) // Point C

The body of R(x,y) is self-framing (because the first two conjuncts ensure that x != y). However, the body of acc(R(x,y),1/2) is not self-framing (note that the field accessed on the right of the implication is different; no permissions to it are held in the predicate body). The example exploits this to prove false in main. At point A, the predicate instance acc(R(a,a),1/2) is folded whose body is not self-framing, which is possible because the permission to a.g is held outside the predicate instance. At point B, a heap assignment is executed such that the body of acc(R(a,a),1/2) is violated. This violation leads to a contradiction after the unfold at point C.

In summary, since the Viper verifiers frame predicates around operations such as heap assignments, predicate instances must be self-framing. Here, there are predicate instances, which are not self-framing and thus I think the Viper verifiers should report an error.

A natural solution would be to check whether a predicate body is self-framing for every fraction. However, this might be too restrictive, because there may be programs in practice where the current self-framing check (which just checks whether the body is self-framing for fraction 1) is sufficient but where the stronger check for every fraction may fail. For instance, the current self-framing check is likely sufficient if no predicate instance with fraction less than 1 is used. Moreover, if function calls are used in predicate instances with preconditions that specify concrete fractions, then the stronger condition will not hold.

alexanderjsummers commented 3 months ago

This is a great catch and a nice example; the error should definitely be raised. We discussed making a generalised self-framing check before I think (potentially in a Viper meeting). The potential incompatibility with functions would be fixed by the long-pending change to their precondition interpretations (to ignore fractional amounts). Since we don't allow perm in either predicates or functions, I don't think there's a reason not to go with these changes (and the function precondition one has been discussed and in principle approved in multiple meetings, although I don't think there's a concrete proposal for what if anything would be said/done if fractions were nonetheless used).