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[Reading] - How to be a Genuine Expert in Your field #134

Open viphat opened 7 years ago

viphat commented 7 years ago


The Five Stages That All Genuine Exports Must Go Through

The Dreyfus model of skill acquisition:

Dreyfus Model of Learning

Dreyfus Model

Stage 1: Novice

Stage 2: Advanced Beginner

Stage 3 - Competent

Stage 4 - Proficient

Stage 5 - Expert

In fact, ordinary people can become experts, provided they are willing to invest the necessary time and effort.

Fake Experts

Many people who claim they are experts are actually just at stage 2 or stage 3 of the Dreyfus model.

These people have gained some knowledge and experiences, but they have not embraced the continuous learning and self-tuning process that real experts have. Because of this, when these 'fake experts' encounter problems that they've never seen before, they fall back on the same approaches and methods that they've been taught.

You now understand what makes a true expert. Read on to find out how to become one.

The Journey to Become a True Expert

From Novice to Advanced Beginner: Log Your Experiences and Knowledge

Your step from moving from novice to advanced beginner should involve the development of a personal library of experience. A logbook of experience and knowledge learned should be completed to show your progression. Ask for feedback from your tutor/instructor, and add this information into your logbook. Finally, log your reflections for actions you've taken.

From Advanced Beginner to Competent: Grab Every Opportunity to Practice Knowledge.

Learning is by participation and interaction with others. Normally, this takes place through the exchange of ideas and opinions. As you move from advanced beginner to becoming competent, you'll evolve from the acquisition of knowledge to participating in learning. You're likely to find yourself starting to see beyond the normal situations and beginning to suggest ways to do things based on what you've learned.

From Competent to Proficient: Reflect, Reflect, Reflect

This stage will take you the longest because it's rooted in continuous exposure to different cases and reflections. You'll learn to look at things from different angles, and suggest different approaches based on what you've learned. With continuous reflections and experiences in guiding other to perform, you'll deepen your knowledge and skills.

From Proficient to Expert: Continuous Learning and Tuning

A true expert doesn't stop learning. They continue to look for new methods and approaches for different cases. They also reflect on what they can do better, and keep a close eye on the ever-changing information world. If you've reached this stage, but stop learning and reflecting, you'll eventually fall back to previous stages.

True Experts Don't Possess Knowledge, They Explore and Share Knowledge

Due to the impact of the internet, knowledge is no longer exclusively in the hands of qualified experts. However, just because we can now Google information at the tap of a key, this doesn't mean that we're all now experts. Genuine experts still need to go through the five stages of skill acquisition.

viphat commented 7 years ago

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Great ideas often come when a person is unprepared Never trust your brain: it’s bad at memory Don’t be lazy, jot down the great idea no matter how confident you are that you’ll remember it Resist the urge to organize (Just write down, organize them later) Review your ideas from time to time

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