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[Reading] - You won't get anything if you don't ask #273

Open viphat opened 6 years ago

viphat commented 6 years ago


Most people are afraid to ask for things. Even if it means the world to us.

Do you want to hang out? (Dating) Can you try my product? (Marketing) Can I get a raise? (Work)

All of these questions take a long, long time to exit from our mouths. Simply because we're processing a million scenarios in our head.

But the moment our attention steers towards the worst-case scenario, we sweat like a mother-fucker and think, "okay... maybe it's better not to ask. It's not worth losing what I already have."

Let me ask you, wouldn't it suck more to lose an opportunity that could've gone in your favor? Or given you more than you hoped for?

The thing with asking that most people don't understand is, it doesn't hurt as much as you think it does.

I remember seeing this Russian girl at the airport, eating at the food court with her boyfriend. And man, was I blown away by her hair. It was silky, full of volume, had zero split ends. It was the kind of hair I'd always dreamed of having, but never could achieve.

I wanted to know what she used to make her hair look so fine. But at the same time, I was worried she'd find me bothersome. Or speak in a foreign language. Or downright smirk at me.

So I sat where I was and took a bite of my sandwich. Five minutes later, she got up. And that's when I freaked out.

Fuck.. if I don't ask, I'll never understand how she does her hair. I'll never get better.

Well... it's now or never.

I stood up and dashed towards her, right before she left the food court.


Ask for it or lose it

If you want to get what you want, you need to ask. Otherwise, people won't ever know your intentions and you'll just end up missing on big opportunities that could've gone in your favor.

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer’s always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

So keep moving forward and ask away.