vipin1006 / eHire

eHire Project Repository
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Model Review #1

Closed rajeshnath3899 closed 8 years ago

rajeshnath3899 commented 8 years ago

Please find my review just on models.

Change the interviewedBy attribute name in TechnicalFeedBack entity to techLeadName

Change the interviewedBy attribute name in ManagerFeedback entity to managerName

Change the interviewedBy attribute name in HrFeedBack entity to hrManagerName

Relationships name for TechnicalFeedBack , HrFeedBack, ManagerFeedBack can be “candidates” instead of candidate

Candidate entity can have relationship named as interviewedByTechLead , interviewedByManager , interviewedByHr

candidate needs to have relationship with technology.

Regarding query whether to store the skillSet as binary or transformables , I would suggest why don't we create a another entity called skillSet and map all FeedBack entities(i.e manager, tech leads,hr) as one to many relationships to our skillSet entity.

srilatha-sriram commented 8 years ago

Rajesh, If all the comments are taken care, please close this issue.

rajeshnath3899 commented 8 years ago

All the above comments are taken care of hence closing this issue