vipoo /

Tools to capture game data, and then transcode a captured video file - overlaying race status
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incorporate Changes made to 2019-03 beta revision #110

Closed MerlinCooper closed 4 years ago

MerlinCooper commented 5 years ago

If you like (and still active) I would appreciate if you would review this changes.

vipoo commented 4 years ago

If you like (and still active) I would appreciate if you would review this changes.

Hi mate,

There are a lot of changes here - and i have not looked at this code for a long time. So i am not sure i can give you much feedback.

The biggest challenge i remember was testing - if i recalled, i had a set of replay files that i would use to test - and i think i had a way to record a race at higher speed - to test quicker.

So the only feedback i can give is - test, test and when u think its all working ok - do some more testing... :persevere:

I cant even remember if i wrote many/any unit tests - did I? If so, keep them green at all times.
If I didn't - write some.

I also cant recall if i had setup a build pipeline or not - I cant find any if I did - i suggest you have a look at something like travis-ci or circleci or such - its a good way to keep an eye on things

In terms of coding, a quick scan didn't highlight anything to me.

I am not sure how much i followed my own principals, but a couple key things i like to try and following in languages like C# are:

  1. Try to use as few if statements as possible (including switch statements - look for functional ways to express the variations in the code), and
  2. try to avoid mutating objects

these two things can make it easier to write tests and avoid bugs.
