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Tools to capture game data, and then transcode a captured video file - overlaying race status
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Unable to find video files in folder #88

Closed livgas closed 4 years ago

livgas commented 8 years ago

Hey Guys Hope Someone Can Help, Iv tried to capture a replay and it keeps failing beacuse Unable to find video files in folder

2016-05-16T19:18:17 DEBUG: 00:13:13.5300000 Camera: Driver: Scott Death2, GroupNumber: 12, Number: 10, State: 81, GroupName: TV2, Name: CamTV2_09 2016-05-16T19:18:21 DEBUG: 00:13:17.5300000 Camera: Driver: Scott Death2, GroupNumber: 12, Number: 11, State: 81, GroupName: TV2, Name: CamTV2_10 2016-05-16T19:18:22 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T19:18:25 DEBUG: 00:13:21.5300000 Camera: Driver: Scott Death2, GroupNumber: 12, Number: 1, State: 81, GroupName: TV2, Name: CamTV2_00 2016-05-16T19:18:27 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T19:18:29 DEBUG: 00:13:25.5300000 Camera: Driver: Scott Death2, GroupNumber: 12, Number: 1, State: 81, GroupName: TV2, Name: CamTV2_00 2016-05-16T19:18:30 DEBUG: 00:13:26.5670000: Condition met 2016-05-16T19:18:30 INFO: 00:13:26.8430000 Scott Death2 finished in 3rd 2016-05-16T19:18:30 INFO: 00:13:26.8430000 Mark show results flash card. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.5670000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.5830000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6000000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6170000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6330000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6470000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6630000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6800000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.6970000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.7130000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.7300000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.7470000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.7630000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.7770000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.7930000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.8100000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.8270000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.8430000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.8600000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.8770000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.8930000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.9170000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.9330000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:32 DEBUG: 00:13:28.9500000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:28.9670000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:28.9830000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.0170000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.0330000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.0470000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.0630000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.0800000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.0970000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.1130000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.1300000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.1470000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.1630000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.1770000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.1930000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.2100000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.2270000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.2430000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.2600000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.2770000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.2930000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.3170000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.3330000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.3500000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.3670000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.3830000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4000000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4170000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4330000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4470000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4630000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4800000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.4970000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.5130000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.5300000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.5300000 Camera: Driver: Scott Death2, GroupNumber: 12, Number: 1, State: 81, GroupName: TV2, Name: CamTV2_00 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.5470000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 DEBUG: 00:13:29.5630000 Found no more finishers. 2016-05-16T19:18:33 INFO: Sending key event ALT+F9 2016-05-16T19:18:37 INFO: Unable to find video files in folder 'D:\Documents\iRacing\replay' - check your Video Working folder 2016-05-16T19:18:37 Saving overlay data to D:\Documents\iRacing\replay/unknown_capture-2016-05-16-19-18-37.replayscript 2016-05-16T19:18:37 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T19:18:37 INFO: Setting speed to 0 2016-05-16T19:18:38 ERROR: Unable to find video files in 'D:\Documents\iRacing\replay' - possible wrong working folder 2016-05-16T19:18:38 ERROR: at iRacingReplayOverlay.Phases.IRacingReplay._CaptureRaceTest(Action1 onComplete, IEnumerable1 samples) in C:\projects\iracingreplayoverlay-net-bdpnd\Phases\CaptureRace.cs:line 128 at iRacingReplayOverlay.Phases.IRacingReplay._CaptureRace(Action1 onComplete) in C:\projects\iracingreplayoverlay-net-bdpnd\Phases\CaptureRace.cs:line 53 at iRacingReplayOverlay.Phases.IRacingReplay.<CaptureRace>b__31_0(Action1 a) in C:\projects\iracingreplayoverlay-net-bdpnd\Phases\IRacingReplay.cs:line 98 at iRacingReplayOverlay.Phases.IRacingReplay.<>cDisplayClass26_0.b0() in C:\projects\iracingreplayoverlay-net-bdpnd\Phases\IRacingReplay.cs:line 66 at iRacingReplayOverlay.Phases.IRacingReplay.<>cDisplayClass42_0.b0() in C:\projects\iracingreplayoverlay-net-bdpnd\Phases\IRacingReplay.cs:line 167 2016-05-16T19:18:38 INFO: Process aborted 2016-05-16T19:18:38 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: WorkingFolder, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay 2016-05-16T19:18:38 INFO: Moving logging to file D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\general.log

livgas commented 8 years ago

2016-05-16T19:18:38 ---------------------------- 2016-05-16T19:18:38 INFO: Moving logging to file D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\general.log 2016-05-16T19:18:42 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T19:18:49 2016-05-16T22:15:42 ---------------------------- 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Local user config path: C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Local\iRacingReplayOverlay\iRacingReplayOverlay.exe_Url_txm2g20qpesavwaqbrk5ulnzi2blkchw\\user.config 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Application Version: 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: OS: 64x 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: ProcessorCount: 8 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Drive: C:\, Type: Fixed, Format: NTFS, Size: 119507251200, AvailableFreeSpace: 71413751808 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Drive: D:\, Type: Fixed, Format: NTFS, Size: 1000202039296, AvailableFreeSpace: 370242080768 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Drive: F:\, Type: CDRom, Format: , Size: , AvailableFreeSpace: 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: SystemPageSize: 4096 2016-05-16T22:15:42 DEBUG: Version: 4.0.30319.42000 2016-05-16T22:15:42 INFO: Waiting to connect to iRacing application 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: AddressWidth: 64 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Architecture: 9 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: AssetTag: To Be Filled By O.E.M. 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Availability: 3 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Caption: AMD64 Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Characteristics: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ConfigManagerErrorCode: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ConfigManagerUserConfig: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CpuStatus: 1 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CreationClassName: Win32_Processor 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentClockSpeed: 4000 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentVoltage: 11 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DataWidth: 64 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Description: AMD64 Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DeviceID: CPU0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ErrorCleared: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ErrorDescription: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ExtClock: 200 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Family: 2 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: InstallDate: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: L2CacheSize: 8192 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: L2CacheSpeed: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: L3CacheSize: 8192 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: L3CacheSpeed: 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: LastErrorCode: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Level: 21 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: LoadPercentage: 15 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Manufacturer: AuthenticAMD 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: MaxClockSpeed: 4000 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Name: AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core Processor
2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: NumberOfCores: 4 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: NumberOfEnabledCore: 8 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: NumberOfLogicalProcessors: 8 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: OtherFamilyDescription: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PartNumber: To Be Filled By O.E.M. 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PNPDeviceID: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PowerManagementCapabilities: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PowerManagementSupported: False 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ProcessorId: 178BFBFF00600F20 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ProcessorType: 3 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Revision: 512 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Role: CPU 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions: True 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SerialNumber: To Be Filled By O.E.M. 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SocketDesignation: AM3R2 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Status: OK 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: StatusInfo: 3 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Stepping: 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SystemCreationClassName: Win32_ComputerSystem 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SystemName: DESKTOP-MCSPJCF 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ThreadCount: 8 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: UniqueId: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: UpgradeMethod: 27 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Version: Model 2, Stepping 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled: False 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VMMonitorModeExtensions: True 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VoltageCaps: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: AcceleratorCapabilities: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: AdapterCompatibility: NVIDIA 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: AdapterDACType: Integrated RAMDAC 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: AdapterRAM: 1073741824 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Availability: 3 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CapabilityDescriptions: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Caption: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ColorTableEntries: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ConfigManagerErrorCode: 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ConfigManagerUserConfig: False 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CreationClassName: Win32_VideoController 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentBitsPerPixel: 32 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentHorizontalResolution: 1920 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentNumberOfColors: 4294967296 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentNumberOfColumns: 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentNumberOfRows: 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentRefreshRate: 60 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentScanMode: 4 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: CurrentVerticalResolution: 1080 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DeviceID: VideoController1 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DeviceSpecificPens: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DitherType: 0 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DriverDate: 20160427000000.000000-000 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: DriverVersion: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ErrorCleared: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ErrorDescription: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ICMIntent: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ICMMethod: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: InfFilename: oem13.inf 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: InfSection: Section038 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: InstallDate: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: InstalledDisplayDrivers: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: LastErrorCode: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: MaxMemorySupported: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: MaxNumberControlled: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: MaxRefreshRate: 75 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: MinRefreshRate: 23 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Monochrome: False 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: NumberOfColorPlanes: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: NumberOfVideoPages: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PNPDeviceID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1381&SUBSYS_84AD1043&REV_A2\4&2A1FC852&0&0010 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PowerManagementCapabilities: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: PowerManagementSupported: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ProtocolSupported: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: ReservedSystemPaletteEntries: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SpecificationVersion: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Status: OK 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: StatusInfo: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SystemCreationClassName: Win32_ComputerSystem 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SystemName: DESKTOP-MCSPJCF 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: SystemPaletteEntries: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: TimeOfLastReset: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VideoArchitecture: 5 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VideoMemoryType: 2 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VideoMode: 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VideoModeDescription: 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: VideoProcessor: GeForce GTX 750 2016-05-16T22:15:43 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: GitHubCachedReleases, value: GitHubReleases.GitHubCachedReleases[] 2016-05-16T22:15:47 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T22:16:07 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T22:16:27 DEBUG: Setting Changed: key: , name: lastVideoFile, value: D:\Documents\iRacing\replay\unknown_capture-2016-05-15-22-59-22.replayscript 2016-05-16T22:16:332016-05-16T22:16:33

dnetherton commented 8 years ago

What video capture program are u using? Its important to remember that this application does not do the actual video capture, only control cameras in iracing, and then edit the video file.

It needs a capture program, such as Bandicam, OBS, or Nvidia Shadowplay. On the iracing forum post, there is a pdf attachment that walks thru using the application with OBS.

Things to check:

1: Make sure your video capture program actually did record a video? 2: Note the folder that the video was stored in 3: Make sure iRacing Replay Director has this folder entered in the main window - so it knows where to find the videos. 2: Make sure your video capture software is configured to respond to ALT+F9 - this is so my application can trigger the start and stop of capturing.

Tips: 1: Use the 'verify video capture' button to test the process.

livgas commented 8 years ago

Ok I understand. No im not running any capture program so will try obs tonight.

Sent from my iPhone

On 18/05/2016, at 4:56 PM, dnetherton wrote:

What video capture program are u using? Its important to remember that this application does not do the actual video capture, only control cameras in iracing, and then edit the video file.

It needs a capture program, such as Bandicam, OBS, or Nvidia Shadowplay. On the iracing forum post, there is a pdf attachment that walks thru using the application with OBS.

Things to check:

1: Make sure your video capture program actually did record a video? 2: Note the folder that the video was stored in 3: Make sure iRacing Replay Director has this folder entered in the main window - so it knows where to find the videos. 2: Make sure your video capture software is configured to respond to ALT+F9 - this is so my application can trigger the start and stop of capturing.

Tips: 1: Use the 'verify video capture' button to test the process.

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