vippsas / vipps-login-api

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Using login_hint still but not able to pre-populate phone number #230

Closed timpeteren closed 1 year ago

timpeteren commented 1 year ago


Is this an issue or am I doing something wrong?

When building an URL and calling /authorize I am not able to pass the login_hint param into the mobile phone field, as documented...\<company>.no/\<companyTenant>\<8digits>&state=StateProperties=eyJTSUQiOiJ4LW1zLWNwaW0tcmM6ZTRmMDUwN2YtNzg1MC00N2JiLTk1ZjQtYmFmYmUwM2U2ZjFhIiwiVElEIjoiMTM5ZmNjMWMtODQxMy00ZTYyLWFmNTMtOWNiMzRmYzU3NDBmIiwiVE9JRCI6ImVlNjdhOTM5LWQ3ZTgtNGNiNi1hZjUzLWIxN2NjNGE4ZDZlNCJ9&ia=web

As far as I can understand login_hint=urn:mobilenumber:12345678 should result in the Vipps phone field being populated. I don't get any errors, the value is simply omitted. I have tried this both for and so no difference in environments.

Any and all ideas or feedback is greatly appreciated! :-)

Thanks in advance!

\-Tim Peter

EDIT: Added some backslashes to properly escape placeholders

cloveras commented 1 year ago


Have you seen the "How it works" guides?

Have you tried using the Postman collection mentioned here?

timpeteren commented 1 year ago

Hi @cloveras ! I have followed the mentioned guides, I was not aware of the Postman collection, which is a good reference to what goes into each of the Vipps authentication endpoint requests. As I'm getting some inexplicable "Invalid client credentials" when testing I am not able to get anyhwere using Postman (I don't have access to your portal either, so I will need some additional help to further troubleshoot). As far as I can see we are doing the proper requests, for the purpose of pre-filling the phone number... But as it's no longer Easter it's easier to get in direct contact with you, so I'll do that and report back my findings! :-) Thanks for helping out!