vipwan / Biwen.AutoClassGen

Source Gen Roslyn
MIT License
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Does not generate files -please help #3

Closed ignatandrei closed 10 months ago

ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

I am trying to do an example at

You can find the sources at v2\rscg_examples\Biwen.AutoClassGen\src\FromInterface.sln

It cannot compile because it will not find [AutoGen("Person", "FromInterface")]

( The purpose of the example is to add to my list of RSCG , )

vipwan commented 10 months ago

Yes, in order to use this library you also need to add a nuget reference

dotnet add package Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes
ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

I have added . Still not generate files into obj\GX folder

   <PackageReference Include="Biwen.AutoClassGen" Version="" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />
   <PackageReference Include="Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes" Version="1.0.0" />


vipwan commented 10 months ago

Take a look at the test case scenarios I provided,

    public interface IPager
        [DefaultValue(0), Description("页码,从0开始")]
        [Range(0, int.MaxValue)]
        int? CurrentPage { get; set; }

        [DefaultValue(10), Description("每页项数,10-30之间")]
        [Range(10, 30)]
        int? PageLen { get; set; }

    public interface IQuery
        [StringLength(100), Description("查询关键字")]
        string? KeyWord { get; set; }

    [AutoGen("QueryRequest", "Biwen.AutoClassGen.Models")]
    [AutoGen("Query2Request", "Biwen.AutoClassGen.Models")]
    public interface IQueryRequest : IPager, IQuery

GEN001: The interface marked [AutoGen] should be inherent one or more interface

ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

I have modified

public interface IPerson

    [StringLength(100), Description("person first name")]
    string FirstName { get; set; }
   // string LastName { get; set; }

    //public string FullName();



using Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes;

namespace FromInterface;

[AutoGen("Person", "FromInterface")]
public interface IPerson2: IPerson


And still no file generated

vipwan commented 10 months ago

pls download my demo code, which can be compiled, your repository is too big for me to download

ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

I have done this to test with Nuget in your project

  1. Cloned your project
  2. replace in Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole.csproj

    <ProjectReference Include="..\Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes\Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes.csproj" />
        <ProjectReference Include="..\Biwen.AutoClassGen.Gen\Biwen.AutoClassGen.csproj" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />

    with their nuget definitions

        <PackageReference Include="Biwen.AutoClassGen" Version="" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />
        <PackageReference Include="Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes" Version="1.0.0" />

4. Delete the bin and obj folders from Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole
5. Rebuild Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole 

Biwen.AutoClassGen\Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole\Program.cs(7,27,7,39): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'QueryRequest' does not exist in the namespace 'Biwen.AutoClassGen.Models' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

7. Nothing in obj\GX 

Could you reproduce ?
vipwan commented 10 months ago
global using Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes;
global using Biwen.AutoClassGen.Models;
ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

Yes, there are in file _GloableUsings

The problem is that Roslyn is not generating files in obj/GX ( QueryRequest is fully generated by your code )

Please replace in Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole.csproj the reference to the projects with their NuGet counterparts.

vipwan commented 10 months ago

I have done this to test with Nuget in your project

  1. Cloned your project
  2. replace in Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole.csproj
    <ProjectReference Include="..\Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes\Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes.csproj" />
      <ProjectReference Include="..\Biwen.AutoClassGen.Gen\Biwen.AutoClassGen.csproj" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />

with their nuget definitions

      <PackageReference Include="Biwen.AutoClassGen" Version="" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />
      <PackageReference Include="Biwen.AutoClassGen.Attributes" Version="1.0.0" />

  1. Delete the bin and obj folders from Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole
  2. Rebuild Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole

Biwen.AutoClassGen\Biwen.AutoClassGen.TestConsole\Program.cs(7,27,7,39): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'QueryRequest' does not exist in the namespace 'Biwen.AutoClassGen.Models' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

  1. Nothing in obj\GX

Could you reproduce ?

I've used it in my project and it works great

ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

Oh, your API is .NET 8. I have .NET 7 ;-) . Maybe .... this is the difference

vipwan commented 10 months ago

Oh, your API is .NET 8. I have .NET 7 ;-) . Maybe .... this is the difference

I'm not sure about this, it may have something to do with the environment of the IDE , I'm using VS2022 Preview

ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

This could be also a difference( I am using VS2022 Version 17.7.6 ). Let's wait for .NET 8 and latest VS2022 and I will be back with news...

ignatandrei commented 10 months ago

Works with .NET 8
