vipzhicheng / logseq-plugin-mark-map

This is a plugin for to provide mindmap support based on
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[feat] Pin-anchor nicer logo, and breadcrumb direct navigation #55

Closed emms007 closed 1 year ago

emms007 commented 1 year ago


Thanks again for the great plugin. The pin-anchor a is a great way to navigate and would greatly benefit from two changes.


  1. A nicer pin icon. The current one could be confused with text content. A more visual choice that describe anchor could be the pinpush emoji. It could be "red" when activated and greyed out when available for selection image

  2. A way to navigate to the previous level of the tree. Currently it required to go back to the main page level, and makes a big zooming animation with lots of contents displayed. This kind of break the natural flow. Ideally this could be done using a breadcrumb, allowing to switch to another level at minimal click and visual disturbances; image

MD file for demo:

vipzhicheng commented 1 year ago

I will take your first advice,and change the anchor icon, but for the second one, it's a complicated solution. If you want to go back, you can click right top icons to go back and forward, and you also can trigger these actions by cmd+[ and cmd+]

vipzhicheng commented 1 year ago

No. 1 has been released.

emms007 commented 1 year ago
