vipzhicheng / logseq-plugin-move-block

A Logseq plugin help you copy or cut blocks to anywhere you want.
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Make dialog more keyboard friendly #5

Open ubuntudroid opened 2 years ago

ubuntudroid commented 2 years ago

I really like this plugin and it works well for me. There is just one thing I'd like to be improved: right now it isn't possible to navigate and fill out the dialog with keyboard-only. You have to use your mouse for that.

Would it be possible to make the dialog more keyboard friendly?

vipzhicheng commented 2 years ago

What kind of "keyboard friendly"? One option is "tab index" which already exists after you press "tab", but is not that "friendly", Another option is "keyboard shortcuts", giving each option a key-binding. But that would be hard to remember.

ubuntudroid commented 2 years ago

Tabbing doesn't work for me as one would expect. When the dialog opens and I press tab it doesn't jump to the next selection group, but rather to the OK button.

Keybindings get easier when they consist of single letters (which should be no problem as initially there are no text input fields in the dialog) and they could be displayed on hover (or as underlined letters). E.g. T for To, A for At, C for Action, F for After.