vipzhicheng / logseq-plugin-slide-reveal

Logseq Slide Reveal Support
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Licensing Question #2

Open freecicero opened 2 months ago

freecicero commented 2 months ago

I am very willing to pay for this plugin, but I don't understand the licensing system.

I understand that you can install the plugin on all my computers where I run logseq, which is good, but what happens if I upgrade my computer or add a new computer more than 48 hours after I purchase the plugin?

It sounds like my original license key is no longer usable after 48 hours, and that sounds like a significant problem, given that I am still experimenting with logseq and moving from computer to computer trying to develop a good workflow.

Do I misunderstand the licensing? Is there a way to add the plugin to a new logseq installation after 48 hours?

vipzhicheng commented 2 months ago

The main reason the license key expired is that I want to prevent the license spread to everywhere, not to disable the customer activate his/her another device. So you can issue me with your email or DM me on twitter @vipzhicheng with your email. I will mail you a new license key.

freecicero commented 2 months ago

Thank you! I will sign up this weekend - thank you!

ahangarha commented 1 week ago

Logseq in under AGPL, and since plugins are considered derivative works of the base software, Logseq plugins are required to be under AGPL compatible license (which technically means AGPL).

This plugin seems to violate AGPL terms.

vipzhicheng commented 5 days ago

Thanks for pointing out this potential issue. You are right the license is an important rule for open-source projects. So I contacted with the core team of Logseq about your concerns The leader of Logseq told me that It's OK to have paid and closed-source plugins in the Logseq plugin marketplace.

For me, I would provide more quality and service for paid plugins, e.g. the dedicated documentation site.