viralemergence / virion

An open database of vertebrate-virus interactions
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Duplicates, maybe because of synonyms call?, in virus.jl #17

Closed cjcarlson closed 3 years ago

cjcarlson commented 3 years ago
> jncbi(c("Adeno-associated virus 3b", "Adeno-associated virus 3B"), type = 'virus')
-- Column specification ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Name = col_character(),
  matched = col_logical(),
  match = col_character(),
  taxid = col_double()
# A tibble: 3 x 4
  Name                      matched match                     taxid
  <chr>                     <lgl>   <chr>                     <dbl>
1 Adeno-associated virus 3b TRUE    Adeno-associated virus 3b 68742
2 Adeno-associated virus 3b TRUE    Adeno-associated virus 3b 68742
3 Adeno-associated virus 3b NA      NA                           NA
tpoisot commented 3 years ago

Do they have NCBI synonyms?