"The GLOBI dataset has been de-indexed from VIRION, due to a growing number of concerns about the reliability of text-mined data. This represents an important departure from the pipeline described in the mBio publication. The current pipeline is described at the top of this README."
Please note that GloBI mines from various sources: curated natural history collection records, data appendixes, established published network (e.g., Web of Life, etc). In other words, your README mis-characterizes GloBI and makes unspecified claims of GloBI reliability.
in your readme you claim that:
"The GLOBI dataset has been de-indexed from VIRION, due to a growing number of concerns about the reliability of text-mined data. This represents an important departure from the pipeline described in the mBio publication. The current pipeline is described at the top of this README."
Please note that GloBI mines from various sources: curated natural history collection records, data appendixes, established published network (e.g., Web of Life, etc). In other words, your README mis-characterizes GloBI and makes unspecified claims of GloBI reliability.
I suggest to update your readme to accurately represent what GloBI does (not just text mining), and report these "[...] a growing number of concerns about the reliability of text-mined data [...]" individually as https://github.com/globalbioticinteractions/globalbioticinteractions/issues .