vire / jest-vue-preprocessor

Preprocessor that allows importing of .vue files in jest tests
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find-babel-config is basically abandonware, and doesn't support babel.config.js #120

Closed johnmckay-reward closed 5 years ago

johnmckay-reward commented 5 years ago

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[ ] bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
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Current behavior This library uses find-babel-config to find the babel configuration. This is fine if the config is in .babelrc format, but not if it's in (the recommended) babel.config.js format. find-babel-config contains a pull request to support babel.config.js but it doesn't look like it will be merged any time soon.

Expected behavior We should be able to use either format, especially as babel themselves recommend babel.config.js.

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions Use the babel.config.js confguration as described here instead of .babelrc. The call to findBabelConfig won't work, and the transform will fail.

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? To use the recommended babel configuration format.

Please tell us about your environment: node, macOS.

Forking find-babel-config, applying the pending MR and depending on the fork might be a good way around this.